Category Archives: P3/4
P3/4 Rocket
P3/4 have been busy creating their own rockets. We worked as part of a group to create our own logo and design our rocket. We decided on the materials that we thought would work well. We evaluated our designs and adapted them as we needed to during the design stage. The rockets are displayed in our class and we will present them to the other groups.
P3/4 Update
Primary 3/4 have had a busy few weeks settling into their new class.
Children have been learning about time and time periods. We have also been thinking about place value in our number work.
In reading, we have been thinking about the main ideas in our book. We have been sharing ideas and using good listening and talking skills in our reading groups.
In our topic time, we have been working in groups to plan, design and evaluate our own rockets. Look out for our pictures next week.