Pupils from Layla, Martin, Marcus and Quinn took part in the finals of the SSSA (Scottish School Skiing Association) at Braehead on Wednesday of this week.
They had to had to compete against 8 different schools from across Scotland and they were successful in winning the ‘P1-4 Winning Team’ trophy.
A huge congratulations to our younger skiing team members. We are so proud of you all.
All pupils will be issued with a First Minister’s Reading Challenge Passport this term. These will stay in school, however please encourage your child to add any texts that they read at home to their passport. Each term classes will be set challenges to complete in class. This term all of the reading challenges have a Scottish focus.
P3/4 have been learning more about nouns and verbs. We were looking for verbs and nouns in our reading book and used Naomi Noun and Veronica Verb to help.
In Maths, we have been using different strategies to help with our tables. Ask us about repeated addition and arrays! We have also been working on some subtraction number work.
We have created some Space artwork based on the work of Peter Thorpe.