All posts by Ms Ferguson

Thank you from Mrs Shiels!

I just wanted to thank everyone for the beautiful bird table and vouchers, which will be put to very good use! Thank you also for the flowers which are brightening up our living room in time for Christmas. Although I am looking forward to my retirement, as it means I can spend more time with my grandson, I will definitely miss coming into school each day! I will however come back and visit from time to time.

Thank you all once again for the thoughtful and generous gifts.

Merry Christmas!

Mrs Shiels

ECO Poster Competition

At their recent assembly on Litter, the Eco Committee launched a competition. They would like pupils to design a Litter Awareness Poster – on any theme of interest to them (could be based on the ideas given by the committee at the assembly). The committee will choose a winner from each class and these posters will be laminated and displayed around the school grounds. The winners will also receive a reusable bag/bag for life. GOOD LUCK ALL THOSE WHO ENTER!