All posts by Mrs Johnston

West Lothian Council Winter Ready Campaign 2015

West Lothian Council has launched its public information campaign Winter Ready West Lothian 2014/15.

The campaign highlights the council’s preparations for possible severe weather and encourages local people to prepare now. Severe winter weather can include snow, frost and low temperatures, high winds and flooding.

More information is available at

As with previous years the council has:

* Maintained salt stocks.

* Set up contracts with local suppliers for severe weather support.

* Provided an email alert service so that regular information can be sent direct to your inbox.

* Delivered refresher training to staff on all severe weather equipment.

* Published a Winter Ready supplement in the winter issue of Bulletin, the council newspaper.

The council is also asking residents and local businesses to help:

* Park sensibly – abandoned vehicles can cause serious issues.

* Share information with friends and neighbours, and spare a moment for vulnerable neighbours.

* Stay informed. Sign up for the email alert on the council’s website at, like the council Facebook page at or follow us on Twitter at for updates.

* If you are able, clear the path and pavement in front of your home.

* Prepare your car and home ahead of the winter.

* Keep the winter issue of Bulletin handy.

* Parents and carers should also ensure that their child’s school has up to date contact information.

* Should severe weather hit, Groupcall is the way that schools will inform parents and carers about closures.


Panto Visit 2015

To clarify a few points that have been raised:

1. For pupils who have paid for a school lunch this week, or receive a free school lunch, a packed lunch will be ordered for each individual to have for their lunch on return from the pantomime. No hot meals will be available.

2. Pupils are required to bring a small snack and a drink of non fizzy juice.

3. Pupils do not require any spending money.  They will need their normal school uniform and school bag, as it will be a normal routine when they return from the pantomime.

Thank you and if you have any further questions, please telephone the school.


Thank you to everyone who attended our Christmas Fayre on Tuesday 1st December.  It was well attended and the pupils loved getting to sell their Christmas gifts to you all.  They were even more excited to learn that the profit they made was £350.91!  So a HUGE thank you to all parents and friends of the school who came along to support us.

The winners of the various hampers were:

Lucy and Emma Dunsmore – Children’s Hamper

Yvonne Boyle – Adult Hamper

Sylvia Wood – Cake and Wine weight

West Lothian Council Parental Survey

Please click on the link below to complete a short survey for West Lothian Council regarding levels of parental involvement.

The survey contains only five statements to rate strongly disagree to strongly agree – there is also space to add comments if parents wish.

·         Communication is effective between my child’s school and home.

·         My child’s school provides me with the information I need to help my child learn at home.

·         I feel confident supporting my child’s learning at home.

·         I am aware of West Lothian’s complaints procedure.

·         I know how I can become involved in my school’s parent council.

Parental Survey