All posts by Mrs Johnston

P4/5 Gardening – 04/02/16

Just a reminder for children in the P4/5 class to bring suitable outdoor clothing to change into in the afternoon as we will begin our gardening work tomorrow.

The school has purchased waterproof trousers which we can provide to pupils however if you do not want your child’s school shoes to get muddy then please send an alternative pair of footwear, eg wellies, outdoor walking boots etc (trainers are not the best options for gardening).

Many thanks.

School Lunch Changes

We have been notified by the kitchen who supply the pupils’ lunches that there will be a change to the menu next week.

Monday 18th January 

Red Tray: Scampi, peas & wedges

Caramel flan & custard


Blue Tray: Soup

Chicken burger and salad

Fromage fraise


Tuesday 19th January

Red Tray: Macaroni cheese, tomatoes and garlic bread

Crispy cake


Blue Tray: Spaghetti bolognaise and green beans



Staff in School

It was highlighted at the Parent Council meeting that some parents are unsure of staff names and are trying to put a face to a name so you know who your child is talking about.  So we thought we’d post our snapshots to make it a bit easier.

We also have Mrs Smith who is a Pupil Support Worker and carries out our ‘Safe Arrival’ in the playground. Mrs Dunsmore also carries out our ‘Safe Arrival’ as well as the Breakfast Club and school lunches.

Our specialist teachers include:

Mrs Younger – Music and Choir

Mr Norvath – String Instructor