All posts by Mrs Johnston

Sports Day Results



We had a wonderful day for our Sports day last Thursday and the rain stayed away for us!

The potted sports was much fun and the teams were great at cheering each other on.  The overall winning team was Cockleroy 2 with 345 points.  The overall house winner was Knock with 963 points.  The pupils from Cockleroy 2 and all the pupils in the Knock House will receive 5 minutes extra break today.

Thank you to all the parents who joined in with the adult races.  It gave the children a good laugh!!  The winners from the children’s races were:

Flat race: Isaac R, Finn, Lilly, Joe, Phoebe, Matthew F, Holly, Louis, Rebecca, Alex McH and Emma

Skipping race: Quinn, Tilly, Lilly, Marcus, Georgia, Cameron, Phoebe, Douglas, Skye, Matthew, Imogen, Louis, Emma and Lewis H

Egg and Spoon Race: Samuel, Olivia, Martin, Layla, Georgia, Daniel, Phobe, Luca, Kirsty, Will, Anna, Euan McC, Ellen and Ale McH

Finally, thank you to all the parents who came out to support the children!


School Ski Team Competition

Congratulations to our super skiing team who did a sterling job at representing our school at the recent Hillend Summer Dual Slalom.  Their behaviour and skiing skills was complimented on during the event.
The 1st round consisted of the head-to-head and each of the racers won their 1st race.
The team slalom was successful with 1 win out of 3 but sadly they were knocked out in the 4th race.
The children were up against some really tough competition but they gave it their all despite being some of the youngest and most inexperienced skiers.  They worked really well together, making decisions for the team to ensure all had the opportunity to ski in at least 4 races.
A particular ‘well done’ to Silvana and Euan McCartney who acted as anchors for all the races.
We look forward to seeing the ski team progress and wish them well in their next competition in October.
If you wish you child to be involved please speak to Miss Miller (Martin and Marcus’ mum).

Green Fingers!

Some of the pupils from P4/5 were busy this afternoon planting seeds in the welly boots planters.  These seeds should hopefully flower in June so watch this space!

If anyone is at a loose end over the Easter holidays and would like to help with our gardening, we need some volunteers to turn over the 3 raised beds within the garden.  This would allow us to start planting when we return from the Easter holidays.  Please get in touch ASAP if you are able to help us.