All posts by Mrs Johnston

School Vision

Torphichen Primary School’s Vision & Values 

Together we Love to Learn, Excel, Achieve, Respect and Nurture (L.E.A.R.N)

Be Safe

We care for each other.

Be Ready

We take pride in our learning and celebrate success.

We take responsibility for ourselves and respect others.

Be Respectful

We listen to each other.

We stand up for what is right and speak out when things are wrong.

Changes to Classrooms

After trialing the P1/2/3 in our beautiful new classroom, we now realise how valuable the original classroom was.  It offers the children a secure wet play area, sinks at child height, closer access to the toilets to name but a few advantages.  This allows for developing children’s independence as well as valuable play opportunities that can be monitored and adjusted by the class teacher.  The new promethean Smartboard has many advanced features suited to middle and upper school and did not accommodate the younger, small pupils.

As a result P1/2/3 will relocate to their original P1/2 classroom.  P6/7 will relocate the the new classroom in the extension.  This will allow the upper stages of the school to work more closely with each other.

Therefore P1/2/3 will now come in the old front entrance, opposite the driveway.  P6/7 will now come in the door at the bottom on the new path, along from the Mugga.

Also, can all children come in the old front entrance for breakfast club in the morning please.

Thank you for your understanding.