All posts by Mrs Johnston

School Uniform – Web Shop

Please see information below about new ordering system online.

To streamline the ordering of school uniforms the existing company, logodirect, have set up an on-line shop:…

The advantages of this are:
-easy to use for the parents (no more wrong sizes etc).
-mobile friendly.
-secure payment is through paypal giving there usual high level of protection to customers.
-anyone needing help or has sight problems etc can phone in and we can key in for them.
-no more photocopying sheets for the PTA and collecting cash and checks etc.

Orders will be processed monthly with the cut-off being the 1st of each month then all order will be processed and delivered on 15th.
Orders will be delivered via DPD on a next day delivery, a delivery cost of £4.95 will apply, but all orders over £50 will be free delivery so group buying is recommended to avoid the charge.

When completing the order in the basket please select the “Proceed & Buy Blank Garments” as all goods have the badge.

As with the paper version of the order form 10% sales donation would be transferred into the PTA.


Online Safety Resources from NSPCC

The NSPCC have recently launched their new website which gives detailed advice and reviews of the different online social networks which young people use.
It covers over 50 different apps including popular apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to lesser known apps such as Kik, Roblox and It reviews the levels of risk associated with each app and also includes the views of different young people about each app and how safe they feel using it.

T.T.T – Tuesday 28th February

T.T.T. – Tuesday 27th February, 9.15-10am
Everyone welcome to visit ALL classes on this morning to experience how our new literacy resources are being used in every class.

This will include a pupil-led tutorial of our online reading resource’Bug Club’, which will be used at home shortly afterwards as partof our pupils’ home learning.

There will then be tea and coffee available afterwards in theschool hall.

We look forward to seeing you all there.