All posts by Mrs Johnston

Welcome Miss Ramos!

We are very happy to announce that we will have another teacher join our team for the next few weeks leading up to the summer holidays. Miss Carina Ramos is a very experienced teacher and has been seconded to us for this period of time to enable us to have new children in the school prior to the new session. Miss Ramos will mainly team teach with Ms Ferguson and Mrs Chalmers but will assist in all our classes should the need arise

The extra teacher allows the classes to remain in their present structure, without moving children and also keep our joint sessions for P2 children and P5 children to continue as planned for the full year. It is with great pleasure that we welcome her to our school.

A warm welcome to Miss Ramos who is joing our team until summer.

Good News to Share!

Dear Parents, 

 This has been the most stressful but exciting week I think I have ever had in my teaching career, I should perhaps qualify that by saying “that I can remember!”

I am pleased to say that the end result is amazing and exciting for me and I hope it will be for the school too. I was appointed as Head Teacher yesterday of Torphichen and Westfield Primary Schools, after an interview at the Civic Centre with my appointment being confirmed late afternoon. I am not only looking forward to carrying through all the things that I have started with my team but looking forward to the future.

I have had lots of time over the past year and a half to think about initiatives I would like to take forward within the school and in partnership with the children, yourselves and the staff. I look forward to carrying them through.

I would like to thank everyone for their support and encouragement at this time.


Kind regards,

Mary McKenzie