All posts by Mrs Johnston

P7 Co-ordinators

Last week after the P5-7 assembly, the P7 Co-ordinator roles were announced and are:

Pupil Council – Duane

Eco – Jessie

JRSO – Tess & Megan

Garden/Outdoor – Lana

RRSA – Heather

P7 Knock House Captain – Finlay 

P7 Cairnpapple House Captain – Ciaran

P7 Cockleroy House Captain – Adam 

This year we decided to have a P1 House Captain, which was voted on by the pupils in P1/2.  The results are:

 Knock House Captain – Theo

Cairnpapple House Captain – Luca

Cockleroy House Captain – Euan


Thank you to all who attended our Magina Coffee Afternoon today.  It was a tremendous success, with ourselves and Sarah Young from Torpichen Kirk raising £230.50!  There will be more money to come in with the sale of cakes that were left over so watch this space for a final total.

This money will be sent to our link community in Magina, South Africa, who will be putting it towards the next stage of the building work.

Thank you to Jessie, Aoife and Heather who co-ordinated the whole event and lead the RRSA group.