All posts by Mrs Johnston

Children in Need 2015


Thank you to all pupils who either dressed as they hero or dressed down on Friday 13th November for Children in Need.

The Pupil Council organised a cake sale at break time along with a competition to guess Pudsey’s middle name.  The winner of the competition was Merryn in P2, who won a Pudsey teddy and keyring.  Her winning guess was ‘Cuddly’.

A total of £135.00 was raised for this worthwhile cause.  At Torphichen Primary School we strive to ensure that children’s rights are respected and through this fundraiser it highlighted Article 24: Every child has the right to the best possible health, Article 27: Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs and Article 36: Governments must protect children from all other forms of bad treatment.

Thank you again to all who supported the Pupil Council.

P1/2 Teeth Talk

Mrs Thomson, Layla’s Mummy, came in to class this morning to talk to us about looking after our teeth properly.

We were able to impress her with all of our knowledge from our Health topic which has been teeth.  We have learned:

– the names of the different teeth we have as children and adults (canines, incisors, pre molars and molars)

– how to look after our teeth properly, including brushing twice a day, eating and drinking healthily

– we know how much fluoride we should have in our toothpaste (1000 ppm by the way!)

Alongside our Dinosaur topic, we used our knowledge of teeth to compare our teeth with the teeth that dinosaurs had.  We know that herbivores would have had teeth like molars to grind food whilst carnivores would have teeth like canines for tearing their food.

Mrs Thomson brought along her friend Derek who showed us how to brush our teeth properly.  We were given a toothbrush and toothpaste to help us keep our teeth healthy.  Thank you Mrs Thomson!

Rights Respecting Schools – Roald Dahl ‘Dress Up’ Day 2015

On Friday 25 September 2015, the Rights Respecting Committee will be running some fun activities to raise money for the Roald Dahl’s Marvellous Children’s Charity.  Alongside this event, the committee will be issuing pupils will an optional homework challenge with the chance of winning a prize.

The homework task is to draw, paint or create a model of a Roald Dahl book character and it must be in for Friday 25th September to be in with a chance of winning.

Look out for the homework challenge sheets in your child’s school bag and if you have any questions please get in contact!