All posts by Mrs Johnston

West Lothian Swim Heats

UPDATE                    UPDATE                       UPDATE                   UPDATE                    UPDATE                    UPDATE

We have found out this afternoon that the team came 12th overall after out of 33!!!!  MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Well done to Phoebe, Izzy, Euan and Lewis who represented our school at the West Lothian Swim Heats on Sunday.  Their swimming was excellent and, for some of them, personal bests were achieved!!


Skiing Success


Pupils from Layla, Martin, Marcus and Quinn took part in the finals of the SSSA (Scottish School Skiing Association) at Braehead on Wednesday of this week.

They had to had to compete against 8 different schools from across Scotland and they were successful in winning the ‘P1-4 Winning Team’ trophy.

A huge congratulations to our younger skiing team members.  We are so proud of you all.


P6 Maths and Numeracy Learning

In Maths and Numeracy we have been learning about  the following:


– We are learning about the value of a digit before the decimal point

– The place value of digits up to seven numbers.

– Being able to read, write and say larger numbers.


– We have been learning about measurements and decimals.

-We have been measuring with cm,mm and metres



-On Fridays we  have been working on reading scales for measurement.

-We have been learning about measuring in decimals.

-We have been working on rounding numbers to one decimal place and two decimal places.