All posts by Mrs Gallagher

First Minister’s Reading Challenge

All pupils will be issued with a First Minister’s Reading Challenge Passport this term. These will stay in school, however please encourage your child to add any texts that they read at home to their passport. Each term classes will be set challenges to complete in class. This term all of the reading challenges have a Scottish focus.

Happy Reading!

P5/6 End of Term Reflections

“I enjoyed creating my project about dangerous animals. I never realised that humans were in the top 10 dangerous mammals.’ Elliot.

I enjoyed creating animal prints because we had the choice of doing 2 different kinds of prints. We were learning to make our art work look like skin or fur by adding texture.’ Sophie

‘I enjoyed ICE. I enjoyed the activity where we had to catch bugs and look at them. We were using identification skills.’ Andrew

‘I learned a lot about salamanders when I was carrying out research for my project.’ Fin

‘I enjoyed ICE this term because it was active learning and outdoor learning. It was good to learn in different ways.’ Laura

‘We were learning football skills in PE. I enjoyed applying my skills in team games.’ Joe

‘I enjoyed learning how to add texture to art work. It was good to experiment with lines, colour and shape.’ Alexander

‘In ICE I enjoyed making the house for a dormouse because we had to make sure it had certain things. We were experimenting to check it was waterproof and warm.’ Georgia

‘I enjoyed the research project task because I was able to find out things that I wanted to find out.’ Oskar

P5/6 Learning Update

This week we used our ICT skills to email Mrs Gallagher our learning reflections for the blog. Here are some of our comments:

This week in Mrs Johnston’s class we have been learning how to use paragraphs and where to use them. In spelling we have been doing syllable jumps, Mrs Johnston played down tape with the number 1, 2, 3, and 4 and we jump how many syllables are in each of our words. Nethuki

I have been learning about a lot of animals and time. In maths i was learning about graphs. Daniel

I liked learning about the Song of the Sky and the Sand and the maths .
I learned about the line graphs because I know about bar graphs . Cameron

I have learned how to turn data in to a graph I enjoyed art because we were creating textured art it was very fun I was challenged when we were doing dictionary work.😃 Charlotte

😪😆😋 I like art where we used patterns to decorate are drawings.💃🐧🏁 Laura

This week in Mrs Johnston’s, we have been learning about when to take a new paragraph in grammar. In numeracy, we have been talking about what kind of strategies we can use to help us with our learning. And in spelling we have been learning about syllables by using our spelling words and jumping how many syllables they have. 😃 Lucy

P5/6 Learning Update

We have had a very busy start to the new term.

In literacy in P5 we have been learning how to add suffixes to words. We have been learning that there are different rules we need to use depending of the ending letters of a word.

In numeracy we have been using learning about time. We have learned how to use timetables and calendars to help us to plan events.

Our topic for learning this term is Animal Kingdom. So far we have learned that vertebrates are animals with a backbone and invertebrates are animals without a backbone. We have learned there are 5 vertebrate groups and have been able to sort animals into these groups according to their characteristics.

We are also planning individual research projects linked to vertebrates. We are using ICT and literacy skills to help us to create our project.