All posts by Mrs Eccles

Red Nose Day

The Pupil Council organised a sponsored skip/jump -athon fund raising event  for Red Nose Day on Friday 13th March.  Luckily the weather was very good and all the classes in the school were able to take part in various activities outside.  During the week prior to the event, the pupil council members also sold red noses.  A big thank you to everyone who took part by buying noses, wearing red or getting sponsors.  We  will let everyone know the final total when all the sponsor money has been collected.  Here are some photos from Friday.


Primary 1 visit Leyden Farm

Primary 1 enjoyed a visit to Leyden Farm, Kirknewton today.  They had great fun seeing and feeding the animals.  Although it was very cold and snowy they were still able to experience sitting in the tractor and forklift and also sitting on the quad bike.  Farmer Stewart and Karen from RHET were both very impressed with the knowledge that they displayed and also with the quality of questions which they asked.