All posts by Mr Turnbull

What we have been learning in P6/7


This week we have been learning about:

Maths: In maths we have been learning about .B.O.D.M.A.S. which means B=brackets,O=order,D=division or,M=multiplication,A=addition,S=subtraction. That is the order that you do equations when there is a long line of calculations.

P.E: In P.E we have been do in rugby with some coaches from Linlithgow rugby club. And we have been practising  ninja skills.

Because it has been sunny we have been going outside to do our lessons.















































































What we have learned this week in P6/7

We have been doing rugby with some of Linlithgow rugby clubs coaches. We have been playing games using tags. We have also been making Koi for children’s day in Japan for our topic. In maths we have been looking at the mathematical vocabulary in position, shape and movement by creating posters of the different terms with a description. In writing we have been using figurative language to make poems and instructional language to write guides. We have also been continuing to work on our independent learning project, which is a guide to Japan.