All posts by Miss Ramos

Mary’s Meals Backpack Appeal

The Global Group would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who donated a backpack to Mary’s Meals this year. There were 20 bags collected today, filled with essentials for a child to go to school in Malawi. We would also like to say a special thank you to Mrs Murray who gave up her time to sort out the rucksacks ready to be collected today.
At such a busy time of year, your efforts and kindness is very much appreciated. This is yet another reflection on how generous our school community is.
Thank you again!

P3/4 School Vision Song

During our transition time last week, P3/4 decided to make a song using the words of our school vision.

Merryn: “P3/4 have enjoyed singing the song that we made up.”

Kathryn: “We had to try and get the chorus right first then we had to learn it and learn it so we knew the words.”

Sophie: “We started off with ‘At Torphichen Primary School, together we learn, Love to Excel, Achieve, Respect and Nurture’.”

Elliot: “It was difficult to try to figure out the last part of the verse because it wouldn’t fit into the song.”

Andrew: “It was hard to remember the words but I’ve got it now.”

Alexander: “I want to teach the rest of the school so that everyone knows it.”

Oskar: “It was hard to put together but I enjoyed doing it. I’m pleased with the end result. The music is fun.”

We are going to try to record our song and put it on the blog to let you hear it.
Please ask your child to sing it for you at home.

Bienvenido a 1+2 Fortnight

We celecbrated our launch of the 1+2 Languages Fortnight with a whole school Spanish Assembly. We are very proud of our 1+2 Languages achievements so far, and to show our dedication, we have nominated a French Ambassador and a Spanish Ambassador for each class.

Our Ambassadors are:

For French: P1 – Ewan Fraser (representative), P2 – Cameron McHardy (representative), P3 – Elliot Muir, P4 – Lucy Dunsmore, P5 – Alfie Muir, P6 – Louis Chapoy.

For Spanish: P1 – Ben Mallinson (representative), P2 – Mackenzie MacMillian(representative), P3 – Ewan Samper, P4 – Tensho Mercer, P5 – Matthew Fisher, P6 – Rebecca Melville.

COngratulations to our newly appointed abassadors. Your role begins at 8.55am tomorrow morning when you will receive your first assignment.

Poetry in P3/4

Charlotte: “In P3/4 we have been learning to write Cinquain Poems. When you have finished your Cinquain poem, it should be in the shape of a diamond.”

Georgia: “In P3/4, we have also been writing acrostic poems about our USA topic.”

Kathryn: “We’ve been learning about syllables. You have to clap for each beat in the word. We were using words from the USA.”

Luca: “In a Cinquain, there are 5 lines. The 1st one has 2 syllables, the next has 4, the next has 6 then 8 then back to 2 syllables again. Then you’re done.”

Elliot: “We also wrote our own Cinquain poems and we had to do a mindmap of ideas, a practice then the final piece of work.”

Adrien: “The first line is about a place, the second line is adjectives, the thrid line is verbs, the 4th line is about your feelings and the last line is something random.”

Cameron: “You have to write words that describe the place and not something completely different.”

Laura: “When we were doing the Cinquain poems, we were doing different colours to represent each line.”

Please enjoy reading some of our examples: