Pupils added ‘mud’ to their woodland setting to match with the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. They mixed glue, paints, flour and water. When pupils mixed the ingredients too smooth, they engaged in problem solving, working out how to keep th lumps in.
Primary 2 pupils have been learning about number patterns. They were exploring number names looking closely at 17 and 70, 15 and fifty etc. They learned how to count on with bigger numbers and use the term ‘difference between’. So the difference between 45 and 47 is 2.
Pupils have been learning about dictionaries. After learning what is inside and how a dictionary is laid out using the alphabet, this is what pupils said.
Pupils take part in formal taught reading lessons where reading strategies such as using the title and picture for clues, looking for sound that work together, reading to the end of a sentence to make sense of a word, to name a few. Class libraries are also used well. Pupils choose a book to read by themselves or with a friend. Next week we will be visiting the new library. We also started Shared Reading today, where buddies help pupils with their common words, sounds and reading books. Each term there is a new topic. Look out for some photographs!
Pupils choose from a wide range of activities and engage with them in different ways. Today in the sand tray, roads were being constructed and tested by HGVs. In the construction corner, pupils were making a range of different models, comparing their length. At the dough counter, bakers were making pancakes and adding dots. Or were they raisins? At the water tray, a water dinosaur appeared and was being attacked by water!