All posts by Mrs Telfer

Bicycle Stunt Team Visit

Today, we benefited from everyone who cycled, scooter-ed and walked to school, with a visit from a stunt team. The team performed some amazing and breathtaking stunts as well as speaking about the skills needed. They also held a question and answer slot.

This is what P1/2 thought about the visit.

Melissa – They did cool stunts!

Sam – They needed balance on their tires.

Jacob – They jumped over a very high wire.

Carla –  They crossed a bridge, then jumped onto their van. It was cool! (Don’t try this at home! This was a specially strengthened van with a platform built into the roof).

Freya – They were able to hop on their bikes.

Amy – They needed great balance skills.

Alliyah – They told us they needed to practise a lot.

Libby – They needed to practice their skills to do all the jumps.

Willow – One of the stunt them did a twirl when he jumps off the van.

Hazel – I liked listening to the questions and answers at the end.