P3/4 Home Learning

Please find attached the home learning task sheet.  A big priority is for the children to learn their lines for the show, without relying upon their script.   If you have any questions, please come see me at the end of the day or telephone the school.

Also attached it the suggested costume list.  This is just a guideline so be as creative as you wish to be!  If anyone is having difficulty sourcing parts of their costume then please let me know ASAP so we can ensure every child has a costume.

Remember, tickets are available to purchase from the school office.

Many thanks, Mrs J.

Homework Grid 22.05.19

Costume List

What we have been learning in P6/7


This week we have been learning about:

Maths: In maths we have been learning about .B.O.D.M.A.S. which means B=brackets,O=order,D=division or,M=multiplication,A=addition,S=subtraction. That is the order that you do equations when there is a long line of calculations.

P.E: In P.E we have been do in rugby with some coaches from Linlithgow rugby club. And we have been practising  ninja skills.

Because it has been sunny we have been going outside to do our lessons.















































































Bicycle Stunt Team Visit

Today, we benefited from everyone who cycled, scooter-ed and walked to school, with a visit from a stunt team. The team performed some amazing and breathtaking stunts as well as speaking about the skills needed. They also held a question and answer slot.

This is what P1/2 thought about the visit.

Melissa – They did cool stunts!

Sam – They needed balance on their tires.

Jacob – They jumped over a very high wire.

Carla –  They crossed a bridge, then jumped onto their van. It was cool! (Don’t try this at home! This was a specially strengthened van with a platform built into the roof).

Freya – They were able to hop on their bikes.

Amy – They needed great balance skills.

Alliyah – They told us they needed to practise a lot.

Libby – They needed to practice their skills to do all the jumps.

Willow – One of the stunt them did a twirl when he jumps off the van.

Hazel – I liked listening to the questions and answers at the end.


P3/4 Assembly Feedback

After our assembly this morning, we worked with a partner to assess ourselves using 2 stars and a wish.  The following is our thoughts:

Ross: Try not to stumble on easy words

Jonah: Everyone spoke clearly.

Summer & Marcus: Dances went well because no one had to remind each other of their moves.

Isla: We did not need prompting when to speak our lines.

Alex & Charlie: Next time, I would like to know my lines off by heart.

Susan & Olivia: When using the microphone, everyone needs to remember to speak loud enough in to it so they can be heard properly.

Tilly, Lilly & Isaac: Most people had good body language because they were not fidgeting or sitting slumped.  Everyone needs to remember to stay focused and not play with their script.

Cameron: Most people knew their lines off by heart.

Dylan: Next time, I will try to remember who I follow on from before I speak so that I do not need to check with my teacher.

Quinn: No body needed prompting for their lines from Mrs Johnston.

Finn & Grant: Some of us used eye contact to engage with our audience.

Samuel: Everyone needs to remember not to whisper to their elbow partner during our performance.

Martin: We showed we enjoyed presenting our assembly by smiling.

Alison, Libby & Layla: Everyone spoke confidently.