P3/4 Assembly Feedback

After our assembly this morning, we worked with a partner to assess ourselves using 2 stars and a wish.  The following is our thoughts:

Ross: Try not to stumble on easy words

Jonah: Everyone spoke clearly.

Summer & Marcus: Dances went well because no one had to remind each other of their moves.

Isla: We did not need prompting when to speak our lines.

Alex & Charlie: Next time, I would like to know my lines off by heart.

Susan & Olivia: When using the microphone, everyone needs to remember to speak loud enough in to it so they can be heard properly.

Tilly, Lilly & Isaac: Most people had good body language because they were not fidgeting or sitting slumped.  Everyone needs to remember to stay focused and not play with their script.

Cameron: Most people knew their lines off by heart.

Dylan: Next time, I will try to remember who I follow on from before I speak so that I do not need to check with my teacher.

Quinn: No body needed prompting for their lines from Mrs Johnston.

Finn & Grant: Some of us used eye contact to engage with our audience.

Samuel: Everyone needs to remember not to whisper to their elbow partner during our performance.

Martin: We showed we enjoyed presenting our assembly by smiling.

Alison, Libby & Layla: Everyone spoke confidently.





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