What we have been learning this week.

We have been learning about WW2  and about Anne Frank.  We have created a time line about the key things that happened in world war 2. We were looking at posters that were made in WW2. we looked at some letters that where sent to Torphichen, addressed to Mr. l. Hendrie. Who was an Air Raid Warden. In math’s we have been looking at decimals and time. We investigated rationing and old money by trying to buy food for a family of 4 for the week.

P3/4 Update

Primary 3/4 have had a busy few weeks settling into their new class.

Children have been learning about time and time periods.  We have also been thinking about place value in our number work.

In reading, we have been thinking about the main ideas in our book.  We have been sharing ideas and using good listening and talking skills in our reading groups.

In our topic time, we have been working in groups to plan, design and evaluate our own rockets.  Look out for our pictures next week.



P5/6 Learning Update

We have had a very busy start to the new term.

In literacy in P5 we have been learning how to add suffixes to words. We have been learning that there are different rules we need to use depending of the ending letters of a word.

In numeracy we have been using learning about time. We have learned how to use timetables and calendars to help us to plan events.

Our topic for learning this term is Animal Kingdom. So far we have learned that vertebrates are animals with a backbone and invertebrates are animals without a backbone. We have learned there are 5 vertebrate groups and have been able to sort animals into these groups according to their characteristics.

We are also planning individual research projects linked to vertebrates. We are using ICT and literacy skills to help us to create our project.