Learning at home (Snow Day)

In the event that the school is closed due to inclement weather please select your stage and complete the activities of your choice within your home learning jotter at the back.

Please post responses (discussion or pictures) to any of these activities to class DOJO pages as well.

We look forward to seeing your SNOW DAY activities on DOJO and when you return to school. If you do not have access to DOJO just complete the tasks in the home learning jotter and these can be shared on the return to school. 

Click the links below to access each class page activities. 

Primary 1/2/3


Primary 3/4


Primary 5/6


Primary 6/7


Online Safety Resources from NSPCC

The NSPCC have recently launched their new website https://www.net-aware.org.uk/ which gives detailed advice and reviews of the different online social networks which young people use.
It covers over 50 different apps including popular apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat to lesser known apps such as Kik, Roblox and Musical.ly. It reviews the levels of risk associated with each app and also includes the views of different young people about each app and how safe they feel using it.

T.T.T – Tuesday 28th February

T.T.T. – Tuesday 27th February, 9.15-10am
Everyone welcome to visit ALL classes on this morning to experience how our new literacy resources are being used in every class.

This will include a pupil-led tutorial of our online reading resource’Bug Club’, which will be used at home shortly afterwards as partof our pupils’ home learning.

There will then be tea and coffee available afterwards in theschool hall.

We look forward to seeing you all there.