Communication Clarification

It has been brought to my attention that there have been a number of recent complaints regarding there being no acknowledgement to e-mails sent to our leadership team.
The school e-mail address is the means by which parents communicate with the school. Mrs Callan then forwards e-mails to me for my attention. Some may be responded to via the office eg requests for term time holidays, some may be responded to by Mrs Johnston and some by Mr Barrowman, following my instruction. If successes are shared by parents Mrs Johnston, posts these onto our blog or Dojo. Lots of e-mails come into school each day from all sorts of sources.  Sometimes a reply is required and sometimes not. If you require a response you only have to ask. If you do not hear back from us and need an answer to a question, please call us and talk to us. If no one is available in the school office, leave a message and someone will get back to you as soon as is possible.
We always try our very best to respond in a timeous manner.
Mrs Rita Angus
Head Teacher (Seconded)

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