Day 2 at Lowport Camp

Hello, from all at Lowport!

What a way to spend our second day at camp! We have all had another fantastic fun-packed day.

After a great sleep, everyone woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go. A huge breakfast set us up for our three activities, Problem Solving (team games), Sailing and Archery.

Tensho, Adam and Phoebe loved sailing. They enjoyed getting the chance to sail their own boat and jump in the cold loch!

Sailing was a favourite with Matthew and Murray too.

Lucy and Euan enjoyed archery the most because they hit the target. Holly and Nethuki loved archery because they played the ‘pizza game.’

Adrien and Alfie were real team players when transferring their ‘toxic fuel’through the obstacle course, to their rocket.

Mathew and Miller really enjoyed walking round the loch after dinner.
Douglas, Theo and Luca were great dancers at our disco this evening. Alex showed off his great dancing skills too.

We had a great game of stop the bus followed by a yummy supper of hot chocolate, banana loaf and toast. Now settling to our DVD Ready for a well deserved rest.

Tomorrow is our last day. The weather forecast predicts that it will be lovely. We are looking forward to our last activity of sailing, problem solving and archery. Followed by a short walk and a tour of Linlithgow Palace by the Primary 7 children from Linlithgow Primary.

Thank you for all of the wonderful comments left on our post from last night. It was lovely to share them all at group time.

See you all tomorrow.

4 thoughts on “Day 2 at Lowport Camp”

  1. What an amazing time you are all having. Enjoy your last day. Looking forward to hearing all about it later today x

  2. What a brilliant time you are all having! Enjoy your last day at camp in the sunshine everyone 😀
    Can’t wait to see you Luca and hear all about the adventures you have had.
    Love from Mummy, Daddy and Layla xxx

  3. Great to hear the everyone’s had a fantastic day 2 of camp, sounds like no one is going to want to come home!

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