Bienvenido a 1+2 Fortnight

We celecbrated our launch of the 1+2 Languages Fortnight with a whole school Spanish Assembly. We are very proud of our 1+2 Languages achievements so far, and to show our dedication, we have nominated a French Ambassador and a Spanish Ambassador for each class.

Our Ambassadors are:

For French: P1 – Ewan Fraser (representative), P2 – Cameron McHardy (representative), P3 – Elliot Muir, P4 – Lucy Dunsmore, P5 – Alfie Muir, P6 – Louis Chapoy.

For Spanish: P1 – Ben Mallinson (representative), P2 – Mackenzie MacMillian(representative), P3 – Ewan Samper, P4 – Tensho Mercer, P5 – Matthew Fisher, P6 – Rebecca Melville.

COngratulations to our newly appointed abassadors. Your role begins at 8.55am tomorrow morning when you will receive your first assignment.

Poetry in P3/4

Charlotte: “In P3/4 we have been learning to write Cinquain Poems. When you have finished your Cinquain poem, it should be in the shape of a diamond.”

Georgia: “In P3/4, we have also been writing acrostic poems about our USA topic.”

Kathryn: “We’ve been learning about syllables. You have to clap for each beat in the word. We were using words from the USA.”

Luca: “In a Cinquain, there are 5 lines. The 1st one has 2 syllables, the next has 4, the next has 6 then 8 then back to 2 syllables again. Then you’re done.”

Elliot: “We also wrote our own Cinquain poems and we had to do a mindmap of ideas, a practice then the final piece of work.”

Adrien: “The first line is about a place, the second line is adjectives, the thrid line is verbs, the 4th line is about your feelings and the last line is something random.”

Cameron: “You have to write words that describe the place and not something completely different.”

Laura: “When we were doing the Cinquain poems, we were doing different colours to represent each line.”

Please enjoy reading some of our examples: