Reflections in P3/4

Well, here we are, at the end of another busy term. As we reflect on our learning, we are remembering all the great experiences we have had and all the new skills and knowledge that we have gained…

“I liked designing our own coffin because it was interesting looking at the finished result.” Elliot.

“I liked decorating our own Death Mask because it was fun and a wee bit tricky.” Sophie.

“I liked decorating the Pyramids that we had to do for our homework task.” Georgia.

“I liked looking at the papyrus paper and trying to solve hieroglyphics problem solving.” Daniel.

“I liked making our own hieroglyphics secret messages because it was funny and challenging looking at the drawings.” Ewan.

“It was fun when we got to paint the coffins and when we learned about Egptian time-line.” Kathryn.

“I liked making our time-line and hieroglyphics secret messages.” Cameron.

” I liked making up our own Egyptian questions.” Luca.

“I like answering the Egyptian quiz questions and writing about our Egypt school trip.” Adrien.

” I learned how to layout a proper newspaper report.” Nethuki.

“I learned how to do an Egyptian number poster.” Charlotte.

“I enjoyed weighing our model hearts against the Feather of Truth and Righteousness.” Sarah.

We all cannot wait for our trip to the museum to see a real Egyptian coffin and a real Egyptian mummy on 18th April. P3/4.