Rotary Schools Competition – Friday 17th February


This morning Sam, Silvana, Kyle and Grace from P6/7 took part in the Rotary Primary Quiz competition against 10 schools.
There were eight rounds in total including the subjects: Literacy, RME and Social Studies, Health and Wellbeing, Science and Technologies, Scotland and its People,  Numeracy and  General knowledge.
Each round took 2 minutes and the children had 4 questions to answer.  Our team got points for each question and this was shared on a Smartboard as the rounds progressed.  There was a lot of times Torphichen tied as the competition proceeded.
We are pleased to announce that the group won by achieveing 56 out of a potential 64 points!
This is this first time that Torphichen Primary School has won since the Quiz began in 2010. There was stunning trophy as well as  £100 to go towards school fund.
Sam said “I liked it when the answers came up for the last question as we knew that we had won!”
Kyle shared   “my favourite moment was when we collected the trophy from the organisers as everyone was clapping.”
Silvana said “I liked coming back into the school as everyone was in the corridor and gave us the biggest cheer!”
Grace exclaimed “when we were waiting to find out if we had actually won was a tense one.”
We are so proud of their achievement, well done!