RRSA Talent Show

Dear Pupils,

The Rights Respecting School Committee invite you to take part in a talent show! This will allow us all to look at Article 29, education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities.

Each entrant is asked to pay £1 if they wish to take part. Auditions will be held in each class. The class teacher and the RRS committee members will vote for two finalist for each class stage. Your teacher will give you dates and times for the auditions. The finalists will perform at the RRS assembly on 21st February.

Entrants may be individuals, pairs or groups of 3 or 4. You may wish to show martial arts skills, singing or dancing talents. The list is endless and the choice is yours!

The money raised will help towards sponsoring the education of a child in Malawi. This will support Article 28, every child has the right to an education and richer countries must help poorer countries to provide an education.

We look forward to seeing your talents and abilities! Good Luck!


Yours Sincerely,

RRS Committee