P6 Golfers

Yesterday, Primary 6 had their first of 6 visits to Kingsfield Golf Centre where they will have the chance to learn some new golfing skills. We met Jane, our instructor, who welcomed us and gave us some initial hints and tips about our grip and stance. Jane then checked our height, paired us up with the perfect training clubs and we were ready to begin!

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As you can see, we were learning fast and were even able to enjoy a little competition in the last 10 minutes. We can’t wait for next week!

Bonfire Night Safety


Now that Hallowe’en is behind us, I’m sure some of our children and families will be looking ahead to Saturday and Bonfire Night.

We continue to promote ways to stay safe during Bonfire Night and teachers will be reinforcing this during Health and Wellbeing this week. In addition to this, we have attached links below to a leaflet and poster from the Fire Service, raising awareness of Fire Safety.

We hope everyone has a great time this weekend and that everyone stays safe!


Bonfire Leaflet

Bonfire Poster