Onesie Walk

What a fantastic turn out of onesies and pj’s we had this morning for our sponsored walk.  It was a brisk walk around the village square this morning however it was nice to wave to so many neighbours as we went.  Thank you to our 3 parent helpers who put on their onesies to join us!

The sponsor money is still being counted and once we have added the money from the cake sale, we will inform you of our grand total raised for ‘Day for Change 2016’.

The entries for the family challenge are also fantastic and such a variety.  It is going to be a hard test for the Rights Committee to find the house which survives the wind, water and shaking test!  Testing will take place on Monday so that we have enough time to do it properly.  If you haven’t brought in an entry and would like to be included, pleae hand in on Monday morning.

Outdoor Learning

The P4/5 are continuing their hard work in the garden and this week it involved some weeding, harvesting of potatoes and making a tee-pee trellis.  We also began to attach the decorated welly boots to the fence.  These will be used as planters in the coming weeks.

Mrs Johnston showed the class how to use a 3 canes and a length of string to make a tee-pee trellis.  To tie the canes together the children had to use a lashing and 2 cloves hitch knots in order to make it sturdy.  It was tricky to pull the string tight around the canes however Matthew R and Louis managed and their trellis is now in the raised bed.  We will use this to grow climbing plants and vegetables such as pea pods.