P4/5 Garden Work

As you can see, the P4/5 have made a great start to the garden by painting the fence.  Many have said they can’t wait for Thursdays so they can get out to paint!  Next, we will move on to painting the planters.

We also had a visitor, in the form of Mrs Johnston’s dad, who worked with a group of children to measure out for a upright frame.  This frame will be used to grow sweetpeas, pea pods and sunflowers against.  Next week the children will use the measurements taken to work out how many garden canes will be needed for each frame.

Outdoor Maths

To warm up their brains, P2 were given different numbers to practise writing in the playground.

P2 have been working on directions in Maths and being able to use directional language.  They had to work with a partner to first of all draw out a route.  Then they have to give their partner directions using language such as: forward, backward, right, left, clockwise, anticlockwise, quarter turn and half turn.