Lockerbie Manor – Day 3

Hello again everyone at home!
We were all up early for a bright start to the day, straight into the first activities at 9. Lots of fun before lunchtime but the wind and rain followed in the afternoon and a power cut meant we missed out on one of our activities! After some games inside the lights came back on and we went out to have our last session of the afternoon. All together just now chatting and playing some cards before bedtime. Hopefully we have a sunnier, slighter warmer Thursday and last full day.
Highlight of the day; Millie running through the mud, losing her boot, carrying on, then standing on one leg wondering what to do next…
Hope you’re all having as much fun back at school!

Tricky work on the low ropes

Boys having some free time

Happy campers!

Looking nice and cosy

Rosie and Aimee

Manor Olympics

8 thoughts on “Lockerbie Manor – Day 3”

  1. Looks like you have had good fun. Hope you have a good journey home. See you all on Monday Love Lauren xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. We wish we could all be there. We are missing you all because the play ground is far too quiet without you. We hope you have had a lovely day today and we are looking forward to seeing you all when you get back.

  3. looks like a great trip! missing you look a bit cold there Duane:) see you all tomorrow
    mummy xxx

  4. Looking cosy there – both indoors and out. We are all enjoying seeing your photos and hearing about the activities! Millie – hold on to your boots!!

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