Good morning all! Sharing your pictures with P2-5 this morning in class. It looks fun!
Jenna says she could faint, it looks so good!!
Kyle can’t wait to go in two years time!
Rosie spotted Alexander’s monkey hat!
Callum thinks Heather looks silly with her tongue hanging out!
Iona can’t wait to go next year. Logan and Archie feel the same.
Matthew spotted Gregory in the pictures, enjoying marshmallows at the campfire.
Looking forward to seeing more pictures when we log on later!
good morning all
Good morning all! Sharing your pictures with P2-5 this morning in class. It looks fun!
Jenna says she could faint, it looks so good!!
Kyle can’t wait to go in two years time!
Rosie spotted Alexander’s monkey hat!
Callum thinks Heather looks silly with her tongue hanging out!
Iona can’t wait to go next year. Logan and Archie feel the same.
Matthew spotted Gregory in the pictures, enjoying marshmallows at the campfire.
Looking forward to seeing more pictures when we log on later!