Tag Archives: Health & Wellbeing

A Successful Afternoon

Our Stoneyburn Netball Team did themselves and Stoneyburn Primary proud this afternoon when they came 4th out of 6 teams playing in the Whitburn Cluster Netball Tournament.  They won one game and drew two out of the five that they played and they worked together brilliantly as a team!



They are now on a well deserved break from training until after Christmas but this was a great way to finish our Winter term training.  A big thank you goes to Mrs McKay for helping us out each week at our training sessions and also to Mr McKay who drove the minibus for us today and allowed us to get to the tournament!  We are really lucky to have such great parents support in our school and really appreciate all that they do for us.

Congratulations again team- you we are very proud of you!

An emotional day at Stoneyburn

Today, after 30 years of service, we said a tearful goodbye to our dinner lady Mrs Connell.  She was a bit reluctant at first to come in to say cheerio to everyone in the hall but Stoneyburn staff and pupils said a lovely good bye to her before lunch was served today.

Mrs Connell received beautiful flowers from the boys and girls at Stoneyburn, presented to her by her grandaughter Madyson.  She was presented with a book full of pictures and memories of the school and the local community and more flowers arrived from Murrayfield Kitchen Staff as she used to work with the team there in days gone by.  The families of pupils from the school, many of whom had had Mrs Connell as their dinner lady when they were at school, had contributed to a collection for her. This was used to buy her a beautiful pair of earrings and these were presented to her by Mrs Cotterell, one of Agnes’ very good friends.  She received many other beautiful gifts from staff and pupils and this showed how much she was valued as a part of the Stoneyburn Primary School Community.

We wish her all the best for a long a happy retirement and hope that she won’t be a stranger to Stoneyburn and we will see her again in the future.

You are a star!
You are a star!
Lucky lady!
Lucky lady!
Friends, family & school
Friends, family & pupils

Happy Halloween

There was a lot of spooky looking folk around Stoneyburn Primary on Friday October 30th!  Everyone had lots of fun dressing up, bobbing for apples, playing games and parading around, showing off their fantastic fancy dress!

We hope the children’s family and friends enjoyed seeing the super costumes everyone wore to school on Friday- a fantastic effort was made by all and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone for that.  Congratulations to our Fancy Dress winners from each class, pictured below- we are not kidding when we say it was VERY difficult to choose the winners………the standard of dress was fantastic across the entire school!  The children had a great time at the party, as did the staff!  We hope you enjoy these pictures of some of the fun we had and hope you all had a wonderful, fun filled and safe Halloween this weekend.



Scary Winners

Dooking success!
Dooking success!
Donut fun!
Donut fun!
More Donut Fun!
More Donut Fun!
Lots of fun for everyone!
Lots of fun for everyone!


The residents of Stoneyburn and Bents can look forward to a brighter community next spring, thanks to the efforts of the Eco Group from Our Lady’s Primary and Primary 3 pupils from Stoneyburn Primary with a lot of help from the Environmental wardens and workers from West Lothian Council today. While the adults manfully (and womanfully) dug lots of holes in the (rock hard) grass verge on the road leading East out of the village, the children planted hundreds of daffodil bulbs and replaced the turf faster than the holes could be dug! So far, we have reached just past the ‘Stoneyburn Welcome Sign’ with planting, but we hope to extend right down to the traffic-lights at the end of the road before we’re finished. Other dates for more groups of children to take part in the project will be arranged for the near future. A big ‘Thank you’ to anyone who helped out in any way in today’s efforts. If you’re interested in coming along to help dig some more holes, leave a post on this Blog.