Tag Archives: Community Involvement

Primary 6/7 Boxing Taster Session

Today Primary 6/7 had the opportunity to work with Steven from Fauldhouse Boxing Club.  He worked with them for 45 to improve their fitness levels and teach them some non-contact boxing basics.

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Comments from the pupils:

David – Enjoyed the workout part, doing the press-ups.
Stuarts – Enjoyed the burpees challenges.
Connor – Steven was serious.  He just got on with it.  It meant we could do more.
Peter – At the start, he was teaching us right and left handed way so it was fair for everyone.
Dominic – Keeping our arms up in the boxing position was challenging.
Zoe – Not being able to moan (one of Steven’s rules).
Dawn – The challenge part of the session was really hard.
Rebecca – The two-touch jump was hard.
Connor – I learned how to move with my right foot in front as I usually do it with my left.
Rebecca – I learned that you should always moan, just do what your told and try your best.

Dragon’s Den Presentations

Today Primary 6/7 shared their presentations at West Lothian College in front of the 3 teams from Greenrigg Primary School, 3 teams from West Lothian College and the panel of “Dragons”.

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All of the teams came prepared to deliver their presentations with clear, loud voices and made lots of eye contact with the judges.  They really did themselves and the school proud.

A team from the college won over all with a bed time story book idea.  Stoneyburn’s Team Silver Sparks came a close 2nd place.  IMG_0704 IMG_0706 IMG_0708

All the judges commented on how professional Stoneyburn’s presentations were.  I am very proud and impressed at how well Primary 6/7 presented themselves today.  Excellent work. 🙂



Health Achievement Wall

The Health Group have been busy setting up our Health Achievement Wall as part of our Pupil Voice Groups.

On the wall is a section to celebrate sporting achievements outside of school.  We would like pupils to bring in their new sports certificates, awards or trophies when they receive them from their after-school clubs.  Their picture can then go up and be celebrated on the Health Achievement Wall.

The Health Group are also looking for flyers or posters for the wall to promote links to local sports clubs.

An emotional day at Stoneyburn

Today, after 30 years of service, we said a tearful goodbye to our dinner lady Mrs Connell.  She was a bit reluctant at first to come in to say cheerio to everyone in the hall but Stoneyburn staff and pupils said a lovely good bye to her before lunch was served today.

Mrs Connell received beautiful flowers from the boys and girls at Stoneyburn, presented to her by her grandaughter Madyson.  She was presented with a book full of pictures and memories of the school and the local community and more flowers arrived from Murrayfield Kitchen Staff as she used to work with the team there in days gone by.  The families of pupils from the school, many of whom had had Mrs Connell as their dinner lady when they were at school, had contributed to a collection for her. This was used to buy her a beautiful pair of earrings and these were presented to her by Mrs Cotterell, one of Agnes’ very good friends.  She received many other beautiful gifts from staff and pupils and this showed how much she was valued as a part of the Stoneyburn Primary School Community.

We wish her all the best for a long a happy retirement and hope that she won’t be a stranger to Stoneyburn and we will see her again in the future.

You are a star!
You are a star!
Lucky lady!
Lucky lady!
Friends, family & school
Friends, family & pupils

Happy Halloween

There was a lot of spooky looking folk around Stoneyburn Primary on Friday October 30th!  Everyone had lots of fun dressing up, bobbing for apples, playing games and parading around, showing off their fantastic fancy dress!

We hope the children’s family and friends enjoyed seeing the super costumes everyone wore to school on Friday- a fantastic effort was made by all and we would like to say a big thank you to everyone for that.  Congratulations to our Fancy Dress winners from each class, pictured below- we are not kidding when we say it was VERY difficult to choose the winners………the standard of dress was fantastic across the entire school!  The children had a great time at the party, as did the staff!  We hope you enjoy these pictures of some of the fun we had and hope you all had a wonderful, fun filled and safe Halloween this weekend.



Scary Winners

Dooking success!
Dooking success!
Donut fun!
Donut fun!
More Donut Fun!
More Donut Fun!
Lots of fun for everyone!
Lots of fun for everyone!

SOC-IT Meeting

There will be a SOC-IT Group meeting on Friday, 10 February @ 9.00 a.m. in the school dining area. Parents and carers of ALL children who attend Stoneyburn Primary School are automatically members of SOC-IT, and we are always looking for volunteers to donate their time and skills for the benefit of our children. Why not come along to the meeting and find out what you can do to enhance our school and community?

Music Club to Entertain in Stoneyburn

Stoneyburn Primary School’s Music Club will be entertaining the village’s senior citizens at their Christmas Treat on Monday, 12 December in the Community Centre (weather permitting!). The children will be singing for a short period to what they hope will be an appreciative audience. Children who are Music Club Members should meet at the Community Centre at 6.10 p.m. on Monday in school uniform. They should be ready to go home at around 6.45 p.m.

Fantastic Effort for Children in Need

The children of Stoneyburn Primary School have once again shown their concern for others by donating to the children’s charity Children in Need. The children sold wristbands and had a ‘Spotty Day’ where they paid a fine for not wearing school uniform. The amazing total of £253.93 has been raised through their efforts. A huge ‘Well Done!’ to everyone who helped or donated in any way.

Christmas Fayre

Stoneyburn Primary School will be holding a Christmas Fayre on Tuesday,22 November in the school hall from 6.00-7.30P.M. Every class has been making things to sell at the Fayre as part of their Christmas Enterprise topics,so there will be plenty things to buy to fill up those Christmas stockings.Our SOC-IT group will also be running a stall at the Fayre.We look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible on Tuesday.See you then.