Tag Archives: Assemblies

Farewell Message

I just wanted to say a BIG thank-you to everyone who made my last day at Stoneyburn Primary School so lovely.

Thank-you to all the staff and pupils who put together a fantastic assembly.  It was lovely to see some of the things I’ve been involved in and to see all of the school’s dance moves!

Thank-you to all the parents who came to the assembly or spoke to me over the past week.  I really appreciated all your kind words and best wishes.

Thank you to all the pupils in Primary 6/7 who made Friday such a fun day at out party.  The music, dancing and dance-offs were brilliant.

Finally thank-you to the parents and pupils for your lovey messages in cards and very generous gifts.  It was all very overwhelming on Friday but I want to say thank-you properly now.

It has been a pleasure working with all of your amazing children over the past 7 years.  I wish you and them all the best and hopefully will be back for a visit sometime soon.


Miss Welsh

Armistice Day Remembered

On 11.11.11, Stoneyburn Primary School held an Armistice Day Assembly to commemorate and remember those who have given their lives or have been injured in wars throughout our distant and recent history. At 11.00 a.m., everyone in school observed one minute’s silence, along with others throughout the nation, as a mark of respect and an act of remembrance of the 8,500,000 who died in the Great War of 1914-18, and the many millions who have died in wars since. Primary 7 pupils have been involved in the ‘Poppy Scotland’ campaign to raise money for helping injured ex-servicemen currently re-building their lives after fighting in wars in different parts of the world. The assembly and period of silence were poignant reminders of the sacrifice others made so we can enjoy the lives we do today.