Blogging at last!

Well everyone, with a bit of help from Mr Shanks, I have finally got around to setting up my bit of the blog. I am really excited I am about Stoneyburn’s GLOW Blog. I think it is a great way for everyone in the school community to share all of the great things about our school with – The Whole World!

Already, classes are sharing their learning and I am sure the blog will continue to grow very quickly. Already this year we have achieved a lot – this term’s money and enterprise work being the latest learning and teaching success for us all! Well done to everyone for your contributions.

We are now approaching the festive season of Christmas – and the Christmas Show. All of those involved have been festively, furiously working away and I think it’s going to be a great show on 13th and 14th of December (tickets on sale now!)

So that is my first blog posted. Remember everyone to keep striving for the best. As a Rights Respecting School we are working towards our values which are to be

S – safe

C – challenged

H – happy

O – optimistic

O – orderly

L – learning

Nativity Concert Tickets Go On Sale

Letters have gone home with order forms attached for the Nativity Concert. Tickets will be on sale from Monday,05 December priced £2.00 each. There will be two performances of the concert: Tuesday,13 December at 1.30 in the afternoon and Wednesday,14 December at 6.30 in the evening. Tickets are limited to 2 per family for each performance. Unsold tickets will be put into a ballot on Friday,09 December for those who have indicated on the form that they would like additional tickets.

Christmas Postbox

The school Christmas Postbox is now operating. If children are bringing in cards to school for their friends, it would be nice if they posted them in the postbox and gave our classes the experience of sorting and delivering the Christmas mail.
It’s much better to have your cards delivered anyway, isn’t it?

Christmas Parties

Our Christmas parties will be held on the last week of term. Dates are
Primaries 1 and 2 – Monday 19 December in the afternoon.
Primaries 3 and 5/4 – Tuesday, 20 December in the afternoon.
Primaries 6/5 and 7 – Wednesday,21 December in the afternoon.
Here’s hoping we manage to get through all the parties without having to postpone any because of snow!

Christmas Assembly

Our Christmas Assembly will be held on the last day of term, Thursday 22 December , at 11.00 in the school hall. As always,parents and friends are invited to come along and help us celebrate Christmas and the start of school holidays. School will close at the normal time of 3.10 p.m. on 22 December and re-open at 8.45 on Monday, 09 January, 2012.

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