Scottish Activities to Celebrate Burns’ Birthday

On Tuesday, 24 January, children from Primaries 3-7 will be participating in a workshop entitled ‘Treasure Hunt Through Scots Songs’. These workshops will be led by Ewan McVicar, celebrated storyteller and songwriter, and will involve the children in a web-hunt.

On Friday, 27 January, Primary 5/4 will be presenting their Scottish Assembly @ 11.00 am in the school hall. Parents and friends are invited to attend this event – why not get into the spirit and wear something tartan?

Sport Taster Sessions On the Way

On Wednesday, all children will benefit from a Karate Taster Session provided by the Karate Club which runs in Stoneyburn Community Centre. Each class will have a brief introduction lasting 20 minutes and information on how to join a Karate Club if  interested children want to carry their interest further.

Next Tuesday, our Primary 5-7 girls will be given a free Girls’ Football taster session with the aim being to encourage more girls to take up the sport and to join one of the Girls’ Football clubs springing up in the area if they are sufficiently interested. Here’s hoping both sessions get some ‘takers’ for their respective clubs.

In preparation for the Active Schools West Lothian Cluster Hockey Festival to be held on o8 February, Primary 5 children will receive two taster sessions from Scottish Hockey on Wednesday, 25 January and Wednesday, 01 February. Will the training make a difference? Only time will tell!

SOC-IT Meeting this Friday

There is a SOC-IT Group meeting planned for this coming Friday, 13 January at 9.00 a.m.  in the school dining area. Parents and carers of all children who attend Stoneyburn Primary School are automatically members of the SOC-IT Group, so please feel free to come along to the meeting on Friday – you will be made most welcome.

Personalisation and Choice Topics Begin This Term

Following on from last year’s experiment where we studied ‘Countries’ for a personalisation and choice experience, we will be studying ‘Art and Artists’ this term. Children from Primaries 1-4 will have a choice of 4 artists: Klee, Kandinsky, Gaudi or Mondrian, which they will study in ‘vertical groups’ (this just means there will be children from P1-4 in the same class studying the same artist, although they will have different outcomes depending on age, stage and abilty). Primary 5-7 children will work in vertical groups too, but will have the choice of artists: Henry Moore, Andy Warhol or Henri Matisse. The study will last for 7 weeks, after which the children’s work will be showcased and parents and friends will be invited to come and see what we have been doing. This exciting project is another step towards full implementation of Curriculum for Excellence in Stoneyburn Primary School. It would be very useful if all children could bring a painting shirt (old large t-shirt, etc.) into school for the duration of the project.

Party Season Commences


The school Christmas Party Season commences this afternoon with our Primary 1 and Primary 2 children enjoying fun, games and food. On Tuesday, it is P3 and P5/4 children’s turn and on Thursday, P.6/5 and p7 will be strutting their stuff. We hope all of them have a great time at their party. Prizes have been provided by our SOC-IT Team, so who knows, maybe you’ll be lucky.

Nativity Concert is a Smash Hit

The first performance of our Nativity Concert took place in school today. What can we say? Everyone performed extremely well; whether it was singing, dancing, playing an instrument, acting or speaking dialogue – is there nothing the children of Stoneyburn Primary School cannot do when they put their minds to it? With the hard work of pupils and staff and support from the whole school community, we believe we can do just about anything! We look forward to another stupendous performance tomorrow evening – hope to see you there.

Dance Club

It’s that time of year again that we start to think about the School Dance Show.

A Dance After-School club will be running next term for children in Primaries 4 – 7.  It will commence on Thursday 12thth January 2012, and will run every Thursday until the dance show on Tuesday 13th March.

Permission slips to  attend the Dance Club have been handed out to interested pupils.  Dance Club has a limited number of places so pupils who wish to attend Dance Club should return slips to Miss Welsh or Mrs Warden by Thursday 15th December.  Places at Dance Club will be announced before the Christmas break.

Music Club to Entertain in Stoneyburn

Stoneyburn Primary School’s Music Club will be entertaining the village’s senior citizens at their Christmas Treat on Monday, 12 December in the Community Centre (weather permitting!). The children will be singing for a short period to what they hope will be an appreciative audience. Children who are Music Club Members should meet at the Community Centre at 6.10 p.m. on Monday in school uniform. They should be ready to go home at around 6.45 p.m.

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