Scotland’s Songs Workshops

The postponed visit of Ewan McVicar to lead Scotland’s Songs workshops with Primaries 3-7 went ahead today. The children learned how to navigate the Scotland’s Songs website and how to access content. The general consensus was that this was a very rewarding experience. Participating children also received a CD with some of the featured songs recorded.

Race Night

The SOC-IT Race Night raised a remarkable £900 last evening. Thanks to everyone who helped organise the event and/or supported it. The next SOC-IT Group meeting is scheduled for this coming Friday, 23 March @ 9.00 a.m. in the school dining area. All welcome.

Dance Show Update

A huge thank you again to everyone who came to support this year’s Dance Show. 

Through your support and kind donations we have managed to raise £196.49 for Sport Relief through ticket sales and donations at both performances.  I’m sure you will agree that this is a fantastic amount going to a very worthy cause. 

We have also raised £222.61 for School Funds through ticket and programme sales.

Pro Show Success

Last night’s Dance Show in Stoneyburn Primary School reached new heights in school entertainment – one could be forgiven for thinking Stoneyburn PS is a stage school, such was the professionalism, dedication and precision of those taking part. Group after group entertained a wildly enthusiastic audience who were appreciative of all the effort that had gone into the production. A special thanks to Mrs. Warden and Ms. Welsh for conceiving, rehearsing and producing such a wonderful performing arts experience and for supporting Sports Relief while doing it all.

As part of our sciences curriculum, Primary 7 children were put in charge of the lighting system for the show; every P7 child took responsibility for lighting at least one dance and what a colourful job they made of it – we definitely have bright pupils! The stage, sound and light equipment we use is superb, thanks to an Awards for All grant received last year. A big ‘thank you’ to Mr. David Patterson, lighting engineer from Airdrie Arts Centre who, despite being recently injured, has made the long journey from Airdrie to Stoneyburn many times to help us out.

The set was commented upon by many parents, friends and visiting staff. The outstanding design and artwork was the work of two parents, Mrs. MacMillan and Ms. Meek and their hard work and skill were acknowledged at the end of the show.

This Dance Show is another one to add to our growing list of outstanding successes. We don’t yet know how much was raised for Sports Relief; we will publish the amount here in the near future. in the meantime, thanks to everyone who bought tickets or donated their cash at the end of the show.

Scottish SPCA Visit

Children from all classes had a treat in store today when Lee, from the Scottish SPCA, visited our school and carried out an Assembly with P1-3s and workshops with P4-7s on the work of her organisation. Lee was very impressed with the knowledge and curiosity of our children (especially when David [P5/4] could identify an African Grey Parrot and Peter [P2] could not only recognise a ferret, but tell her exactly what type it was!). Our children learned so much from the visit. If you have anything to report to the Scottish SPCA or you witness an animal in trouble or distress, then please contact them on their helpline, 03000 999 999.

Dance Show 2012: Extra Performance

The tickets for Tuesday night’s Dance Show have proven to be very popular this year and unfortunately we have sold out for the evening show.

To ensure that as many families as possible can see all the children perform, we have taken the decision to add an extra show on Wednesday 14th March.  The doors for this extra performance will open at 1.30 pm and the show will begin at 1.45 pm.  Tickets will be on sale on Monday morning from the school office and will be sold on a first come, first served basis.  Tickets will remain the same price, £2 for adults and £1 for children.  As with the evening performance, half the money raised will go to Sports Relief with the remaining half going to school funds.

We hope to see you all there.

Royal Connections


One of our pupils received a surprise through the post this week – a letter from Buckingham Palace! Melanie in P5/4 had sent a letter to the Queen wishing her well for her Diamond Jubilee Year and enclosed a small gift. The letter, sent by a lady-in-waiting on the Queen’s instructions, stated that the Queen was delighted that Melanie had written and thanked her for her good wishes. Friends in high places, indeed.

Science and the Stage

One of the advantages of having a hi-tec lighting system available all year round is that it allows us to incorporate science into real-life situations. Today, our Primary 7 pupils will be learning about the intricacies of additive and subtractive colour mixing, the different types of lanterns commonly in use in stage lighting and how to use a lighting mixing board from Mr. David Patterson, the resident lighting engineer in Airdrie Arts Centre.

After receiving tuition, the children will have a chance to design a lighting sequence to be used in next week’s dance show. If the children are available to come along to, or are already taking part in the show, they will have the opportunity of presenting their work by operating the lighting desk to light one of the dances at the actual performance.

Exciting stuff. Don’t you wish you were back at school?  I mean Stoneyburn Primary School, of course!

Dance Show 2012

The children at Stoneyburn have spent the past 8 weeks learning and practising dances for our annual dance show.
We would like to invite you to the dance show on Tuesday the 13th of March at 6.30pm.
The tickets will go on sale on Monday 5th March and will be sold on a first come, first served basis.  An order form has been sent out to all families in the school.  If you wish to purchase tickets, send the order from back to school with your child and the Dance Show Business Team will collect orders and distribute tickets.   Adult tickets cost £2 and child tickets cost £1. Half the money raised will go to Sport Relief and the other half to our school fund.

We look forward to seeing you all there.

Primary 7 School Camp Information Evening

An information evening for children attending the P7 School Camp to Dalguise Outdoor Centre and their parents will be held on Tuesday 06 March in Greenrigg Primary School @ 6.30 p.m. Those attending will see a short presentation, a short video of last year’s event and have an opportunity to ask questions and speak to the staff accompanying the children to Dalguise. Permission and medical forms will also be completed at this time, so please ensure you have your child’s medical, dietary, etc. information with you on the night.

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