SOC-IT Meeting


There will be a meeting of the SOC-IT Group next Friday morning, 27 April, at 9.00 a.m. in the school dining room. Parents and carers of every child attending Stoneyburn Primary School are automatically members of the SOC-IT Group, so please come along and support this hard-working team. If you have never attended a meeting, or have not been along for a while, you will be made most welcome. Hope to see you then.

Cluster Maths Challenge

Tomorrow, Thursday, 19 April, two of our Primary 7 pupils will team up with two of our former pupils at Whitburn Academy for the Cluster Mathematics Challenge. We have no idea what’s actually involved in the challenge – or it wouldn’t be a challenge, would it? – but we wish Amy and Rhianne the very best of luck when they represent Stoneyburn tomorrow.

Sporting Success

Hot on the heels of swimming success by Nathan and Taylor, another two of our sporting stars hit the headlines yesterday. At the Whitburn Cluster Schools Cross Country Festival, little Stoneyburn took on the giants and won – big time! Tanya won the girls’ race by a comfortable margin and was followed home by Demi, who took second place. A massive well-done to both girls.

We had nineteen children taking part altogether, and all returned with a medal for completing the gruelling course. Well done to all – we are proud!



Silence is Golden

We now know that over £50 million has been raised so far this year for Sport Relief. What most people don’t know, however, is that more than £100 of that total was raised by two of Stoneyburn Primary’s P3 girls, Beth and Zoe, who held their very own sponsored silence for the charity. Well done to Beth and Zoe. There is absolutely no truth in the rumour that their teacher said it was the best money he’d ever spent!!!

Busy, Busy Friday

Friday, 30 March, as well as being the last day of term, will be one of the busiest days in our calendar this session. At 9.00 a.m., we will be celebrating Easter with our Easter Service, to which all parents and friends are warmly invited to attend.

Immediately following the Easter Service, Primaries 1 and 2 have organised a Coffee Morning to raise funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care, beginning around 9.30 a.m. and running until morning interval at 10.40 a.m. Again, all parents and friends are welcome to attend and be waited on by our team of miniature ‘Manuels’ from P1 and P2.

While all of this is going on, our SOC-IT Group will be setting up in the hall for an Easter Fayre. Parents and friends are invited to attend the Fayre while the Coffee Morning is running and the children will be attending after morning interval. At some point in the proceedings, an Easter Egg Hunt will be going on for the children.

Please wish all the participating groups luck, as we juggle with all the different activities trying to make sure they all work out. We really do hope to see as many of you as possible at all of these events before Easter Holiday Fever hits Stoneyburn at around 12.25 p.m.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Our bi-annual Parent Teacher Interviews will take place this Thursday, 29 March, when a new format for the event is being trialed. Due to the threat of strike action by some of the teaching and public service unions, all interviews will now take place on one day, from 3.30 – 8.00 p.m. As you can imagine, this will be a very long shift for teaching staff, who will have been teaching all day beforehand. Also, to make the evening work, all appointments will have to finish on time. Can we ask parents to take special care to be at school in the hall for the start time of their appointments as they will finish after the 10-minute slot is up. Thank you for your support in this venture.

Primary 6 Cross Country Festival

On Thursday, 29 March, our Primary 6 pupils will be taking part in the Whitburn Cluster Cross-Country Festival as part of their Health & Wellbeing curriculum. Although the festival takes the form of a race, all finishers will receive a medal for completing the course. So far, all Stoneyburn pupils have managed to finish – some faster than others! We look forward to a clutch of medals on Thursday.

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