Health Week Kicks Off

Health Week got off to a great start today with some excellent weather and a football tournament. One unexpected extra event took place – a Primary 7 V Staff Football match in which the P7s got gubbed good! We also had Primary 3 leading a whole school aerobics session, which was out of this world. If you’d like to see a video of P3’s aerobic session, click the link below. If you want to see a video of the P7 V Staff match – well, there isn’t enough money in the world …

Primary 3 Aerobics Video

Left Property Day of Reckoning

As intimated on Newsletter, Blog and by word of mouth, if left property is not claimed by tomorrow, 25 June @ 12.20 p.m., it will be disposed of. The children will be given one more chance to reclaim their lost belongings tomorrow morning before Golden Time, but to make you aware of the problems we face in this area, here are pictures of the left property that has not yet been claimed, despite parading the children past it and asking them to take what is theirs:

Ten pairs of trousers, three pairs of shorts, two lunch-boxes and two hats – none with names on!

Six outdoor jackets, seven t-shirts, five jerseys/sweatshirts, none of which have names on!

Fifteen pairs of shoes and eighteen odd shoes.

… and four items that have either names written on them or have something inside them that lets us know who belongs to them!

If you know whose items these are, we’d be grateful if you would alert them to the deadline for disposal.

Active Schools Summer Fun


Active Fun, Active Feet!
It’s the fun summer holiday programme happening around West Lothian!  AFAF
 is open to all children in new P2s up to new S1 and runs from 10:00 – 14:30.
Children will take part in a variety of activities including:  Football, athletics, new age kurling
, parachute games, firstclubgolf and much more!   Sessions will be delivered by sports leaders, volunteers and members of the West Lothian Active School team.

Cost:  £10 per day.

Deans Community High School – 10 & 11 July

Polbeth Community Centre  11 & 12 July

Inveralmond Community High School  23 & 24 July

Whitburn Community Centre ? 26 & 27 July

James Young High School – 31 July & 1 Aug

Linlithgow Academy  2 & 3 August

To book enrol please phone Sport & Outdoor Education @ Low Port Centre on 01506 775390

2013 P7 Camp Parents’ Meeting

Parents of current Primary 6 children, who are interested in participating on next year’s Primary 7 school camp at Barcaple Outdoor Centre, are invited to a parents’ Information Evening, to be held in Stoneyburn Primary School on Tuesday, 22 May @ 5.30 p.m. At this meeting, the Barcaple Centre manager will give  a presentation on the centre, its activities and be available to answer any questions parents may have. We look forward to seeing as many current P6 parents at the meeting as possible

Health and Wellbeing Information

One of the regular features in our newsletters is the Health and Wellbeing Section. In this section, there is information on what to do if your child comes into contact with infectious diseases, or if parent or emergency contact information changes (buying a new mobile phone with a different number, for example). We also ask you to check your children’s heads regularly for headlice. The following two links give advice and recommend the action you should take if you find your child has headlice.



Olympic Mascots


These rather fine models are the result of a homework challenge issued to Primary 5/4 pupils. The children had to work with a family member or carer to design and make an Olympic Mascot from junk materials. As you can see, the results are nothing short of spectacular. Thanks to all children who took part and a special ‘Thank you’ to all the family members and carers who got involved in the challenge. ‘Good Job!’

Left Property

We now have 3 boxes of left property in school, which are the result of children not claiming their lost or left clothing from classrooms, cloakrooms, the gym-hall and/or the playground. As there is no room in school to store these items, any remaining unclaimed items will  be disposed of on Friday, 25 May. The children will be given another opportunity of claiming the items before the deadline and parents/carers who think that some of these items might belong to their offspring can come into school and have a look through our collection. Remember, Friday, 25 May is the deadline.

New Playground Equipment


Our SOC-IT Group have kindly donated some new playground equipment to our school. In consultation with Ms. Smith and Mrs. Gillies, the group decided on what equipment was required and Mrs. Pyper trawled the internet to source it. The total cost of the items came to £263.75 and was paid for from SOC-IT Funds. Our children will really enjoy playing with the new hula-hoops, catch-a-cups, balance-boards, etc. A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone involved.

Summer Show Gets Under Way

This year’s Summer Show reflects this year’s big event in the UK – The Olympics – and has been specially written for our children by Mrs. Loosemore. The title of the show is ‘Lord of the Rings – Olympic that is …’ and, as well as providing an opportunity for our children to perform, it is written in such a way that the content relates very closely to the learning and teaching that will be going on throughout the school this term. Also, every child in every class is involved.

Auditions have now taken place and parts have been allocated, so now it’s on with the show – and the hard work!

Sam thinks the auditions are very competitive, while Liam was nervous while he waited to see if he had the part he wanted. Amy and Lisa think it’s a great idea to combine the show and the Olympics topics, while Lewis, Elle, Tylia, Rhianne, Cole and Jack think that it will be very emotiona,l as this will be their last chance to be involved in a show at Primary School. Keris is a bit worried about learning the moves. Never mind, Keris, you’ve got a whole 8 weeks – wait a minute! THERE’S ONLY 8 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!

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