P5 Nessie Debate

Over the last few weeks we have been investigating the Loch Ness Monster.  We explored possible sightings and researched reasons ‘For’ and ‘Against’ the existence of Nessie.  The children suggested we hold a debate on the subject as they had been hearing all about this from children who attend our after school debating club.

So, children who attend the debating club explained how a debate was organised and then we got started.  Our motion was… ‘Does the Loch Ness monster actually exist?’  Have a look at the proposition and opposition stating their side of the argument.  Robbie B was our chairperson:

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Running to Rio

This week we started our Run to Rio by doing our daily 15 minutes daily run/jog/walk. At first we found it hard, on the first day we only did it for 5 minutes, the next day it was 10 and on the third day we finally reached the 15 mins. Because the weather was really bad outside we had to do our running in the hall. To have run a mile we had to run around the gym on the red line 42 times!! We all tried really hard, here is how far we, as a class, have run this week 3 miles, 8 miles, 8 miles and finally 10 miles!! Phew!! maybe next week we’ll manage even more!

Wedding of the Year

Wednesday 10th February was an exciting and memorable day in P1/2.  It was the day we celebrated the marriage of Carla and Michael!

Over the past few weeks, P1/2 have been busy learning about Christian Celebrations, in particular, church weddings.  They have been learning about the inside of a church and the customs and traditions surrounding a Christian wedding.  To end this mini-topic, the class decided to plan and hold a ‘mock wedding’ to showcase everything they had learned.  Lots of planning and preparation took place, just like a real wedding!

The wedding party had to be picked, outfits organised, order of ceremony written, and of course, a reception to end all receptions!

The children worked extremely hard with Miss Eunson and Mrs Lind to design and make the different props they would need such as bouquets, button holes and wedding rings.

The bride-to-be enjoyed her walk around the school, visiting different members of staff and classes before meeting her ‘dad’, ready to be walked down the aisle.


The ceremony took place ‘inside a church’ and the guests joined in well with their singing and encouragement.


Afterwards, photographs were taken ‘outside the church’ with all the wedding party and guests.  It was then time for the ‘first dance’ and a bit of a party.

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The cutting of the cake was also a highlight of the afternoon and the wedding party and guests enjoyed some beautiful wedding cake and drinks (of water!)


Time for some more dancing and then the final song and dance of the wedding, ‘Loch Lomond’.

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The children (and all the adults involved!) had a fantastic time and the whole afternoon certainly showcased their learning to a high standard.

Well done to everyone involved.  And congratulations to the happy couple! 🙂


New Year and new emotions!

This week we learned about Chinese New Year. We had a visitor in school to tell us all about it, and to share with us what the new year means to her. Rong-Rong played her music instrument for us too and helped us write our name in Chinese and make paper fans.

“I liked making fans with Rong Rong”- Jack

“I liked working with Rong Rong, but then we went and practised football skills” – Cory

It was time for another visit from baby Allie this week too. She has grown again. This week we were learning about how Allie lets her Mum know how she is feeling. Mum can tell from her cries whether she is hungry, wet, sleepy or upset! Clever Mum! Allie likes being on her back, she uses her feet to turn herself around! When Mrs Allardyce put her on her tummy she was not happy, not happy at all. To let us know that she wasn’t happy she cried! It made us a bit sad too, Mummy had to comfort her, but she need to suck on her dummy too! Allie can take her dummy out by herself now and put it back in.

“We learned why baby Allie cries” – Danielle

“Allie can nearly roll over now. ” –  Leah

“Allie’s hair is longer, she had a lovely clip in, I liked it” – Hannah


Scottish Assembly

Our week started well when the whole school held a Scottish Assembly. Each class took part. We sang “Heid, shooders, naps an taes”. It was fun learning the song, but we were a bit nervous when we had to sing it in front of everyone else and do the actions too.

“Learning Scottish words was fun, we even used some of them to write a poem called ‘A’ aboot Me’ ” – Charley

“I liked hearing Mrs Gardinier reading ‘The Gruffalo’ in Scots.” – Aimee


We are working hard with our hanwriting. We are learning how to join all our letters, it is fun!

” I like doing handwriting, I am getting better and better at it.” – Phoebe

” I am getting better at joining my letters. I want to learn more” – Hannah

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