Dragon’s Den Presentations

Today Primary 6/7 shared their presentations at West Lothian College in front of the 3 teams from Greenrigg Primary School, 3 teams from West Lothian College and the panel of “Dragons”.

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All of the teams came prepared to deliver their presentations with clear, loud voices and made lots of eye contact with the judges.  They really did themselves and the school proud.

A team from the college won over all with a bed time story book idea.  Stoneyburn’s Team Silver Sparks came a close 2nd place.  IMG_0704 IMG_0706 IMG_0708

All the judges commented on how professional Stoneyburn’s presentations were.  I am very proud and impressed at how well Primary 6/7 presented themselves today.  Excellent work. 🙂



P6 Transition Day- Bridges

Greenrigg Primary Six pupils came up to Stoneyburn Primary today to do some more work on our transition project- Bridges.


We spent the day looking at Scottish bridges and where they are in Scotland, how they are built, what they look like and finally we created some bridges of our own- inspired by the bridges we had looked at in the morning.

The children all worked together very well, in mixed groups and all had a lot of fun.


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Take a look at our Twitter pages for more pictures of our activities from today @greenriggps @stoneyburnps

Dragon’s Den Update

Thank-you to everyone who came to our sales event on Friday.  P6/7 were delighted with the number of people that turned up and made some orders of our products.  We will aim to get your products to you by the end of this week.

We have now sold out of our name plaques and “Shape It” games.

We have lots of keyrings still available to order so if pupils wish to order one, there will be another opportunity to order on Wednesday 2nd March.  Pupils wishing to order a keyring should bring their £2 when they come to order it.


Busy Week

This week we want to tell you about something that happened last week. We were invited to P1/2’s musical day. They had been learning lots of different things about sounds and beats, and at the end of their busy day they wanted to share their learning, we were the lucky class chosen. We had a great time, they told us a story with lots of musical bits in it all the way through it. It was brilliant!

“My favourite bit was the twinkly stars bit” – Aimee

“I liked the way they kept the beat using different things” – Alfie

“The sound of the waves at the beach was my favourite bit” – Keris

In Maths we have been learning how to make numbers ten times bigger. We had fun talking about it and trying different ways to do it.

“I was worried at first, but then I found it easy” – Cory

“It’s good to talk about using different ways to find answers” – Fraser

Rachel is still helping us to improve our football skills. She plays games with us to warm up, they are fun too.

On Thursday we went to the hall to watch P5 and P6/7 put on a performance for us about internet safety. They all worked very hard, and warned us about how we use our computers, what sites we go on, and about passing information on.

It has been a busy, hard working but enjoyable week.

p6/7 Dragon’s Den Project

Primary 6/7 have been working with West Lothian College this term on an enterprise topic called “Dragon’s Den”
Stoneyburn Primary School, Greenrigg Primary School and West Lothian College each have 3 teams competing for a “Dragon’s Den” trophy.
Teams have had to come up with a new product to design, make and advertise.  All their work will be shared at a presentation at West Lothian College next week.

As part of the project, we are hoping to now start to sell the products we have created.  Each of the teams will now share their exciting new products with you.

Pupils are parents are invited into the Primary 6/7 classroom on Friday 26th February from 11:40 to view and purchase any of the goods.

Team Pegasus:

We would like to introduce our spectacular plaques.  The are unique to the owner because they have your name on it.  You can choose from blue, pink, green or purple.  The name plaques cost £4.  Please come and order your unique plaque on Friday.


Team Silver Sparks:

We have created a fun, family game for 3 to 8 players called “Shape It”.  This game comes with 53 game cards, a sand timer and 7 strips of modelling clay.  You can play this game again and again.  The game costs £4.50.

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Team Golden Flame:

Our amazing keyrings are made exactly how you want them.  They are personalised to you because they show your name and you can chose which colours you want on your keyring.  You can choose from blue, purple, green, red, pink, orange and yellow.  Our keyrings cost £2.

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Lunchtime Clubs

Starting tomorrow the Health Pupil Voice Group are starting some Lunchtime Clubs.  A rota of clubs will be on the wall at the infants door to the playground.

Monday – Running to Rio Club

Tuesdays – Games for P1 – 3

Wednesday – Running to Rio Club

Thursday – Games for P4 – 7

If you would like to join in the clubs, meet the Lunchtime Leaders and their helpers at the big square in the playground.

Health Achievement Wall

The Health Group have been busy setting up our Health Achievement Wall as part of our Pupil Voice Groups.

On the wall is a section to celebrate sporting achievements outside of school.  We would like pupils to bring in their new sports certificates, awards or trophies when they receive them from their after-school clubs.  Their picture can then go up and be celebrated on the Health Achievement Wall.

The Health Group are also looking for flyers or posters for the wall to promote links to local sports clubs.

Basketball Festival

Yesterday Primary 6/7 attended a Basketball Festival at Whitburn Community Centre.  We entered three teams into the event and were playing against teams from Greenirgg, Polkemmet, Whitdale and Fallahill Primary Schools.

Each team played in 5 games and competed in a mini-league on their court.  At the end of a very exciting and well-run festival it was announced that Stoneyburn Team 1 game 3rd on Court 1, Stoneyburn Team 2 came 2nd on Court 2 and Stoneyburn Team 3 came 1st on Court 3.

The pupils and I are very excited and proud of these results.  We have been working very hard on our Basketball Skills in P.E. and this hard work was clearly shown yesterday.  The pupils knew the rules of Basketball well,were excellent team members and represented our school with high standards of behaviour.

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