P5 Growers

Over the past few weeks we have been monitoring the growth of some seeds that we planted.  Some of us planted cress seeds, some planted spinach seeds and some planted peas.  Our cress and peas were the most successful but we did get some of the spinach to grow as well.  Have a look at our efforts below:

Allie Rocks!

Our roots of empathy session this week included a visit from Allie and her Mum. Allie is doing lots of different things now! She can walk round the circle with her Mum helping her. She laughs and giggles all the way round, she really likes walking! We don’t think it will be long before she is walking on her own! Allie was also eating today, her favourite food is yogurt but she was trying new things today. She tried raspberries and cherry tomatoes. She didn’t like the raspberries, but she loved the cherry tomatoes. Allie is teaching us all sorts of things. We know about how she communicates with her Mum, and everybody else, without using words; the way she is changing as she is growing and what the milestones are for her. As Allie is learning new things, so are we. We all look forward to her visits, she has changed so much from the little baby that first visited us, to the baby who visits us now, who looks at us, laughs, claps her hands and dances with us when there is music on.

“Allie was tasting new food today. If she didn’t like it, she spat it out and made a face. It was funny!” – Dylan

” I enjoyed Allie’s visit because she was tasting new food. She really liked the cherry tomatoes and wanted more of them” – Leah

“Allie was dancing to Gangam Sytle with us. Baby Gangam Style is funny, but it is cute too!” – Keris

P6/7 School Show Announcement

The Emerald Crown


Our Primary 6/7 show will take place on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th June.

Both performances will begin at 2:00pm. We would ask everyone to be in and seated by this time.

A letter will be issued tomorrow and tickets will be on sale  from Monday.

Please send in your ticket requests and money with your child to hand in to their class teacher.


Many thanks

Mrs Boyd

Farewell Message

I just wanted to say a BIG thank-you to everyone who made my last day at Stoneyburn Primary School so lovely.

Thank-you to all the staff and pupils who put together a fantastic assembly.  It was lovely to see some of the things I’ve been involved in and to see all of the school’s dance moves!

Thank-you to all the parents who came to the assembly or spoke to me over the past week.  I really appreciated all your kind words and best wishes.

Thank you to all the pupils in Primary 6/7 who made Friday such a fun day at out party.  The music, dancing and dance-offs were brilliant.

Finally thank-you to the parents and pupils for your lovey messages in cards and very generous gifts.  It was all very overwhelming on Friday but I want to say thank-you properly now.

It has been a pleasure working with all of your amazing children over the past 7 years.  I wish you and them all the best and hopefully will be back for a visit sometime soon.


Miss Welsh

P5 Problem Solving

Today in maths we worked with the new IZAK 9 cubes again.  We had to solve problems given to us by Mrs Robley and explain different ways of getting the answer using different strategies.  Afterwards we created our own problem for another group to solve.  Have a look at the problems created for us by other groups and how we solved them:





Reflecting on our Learning:

“What I enjoyed most was that it was challenging but fun because we worked hard and we worked together and we got there in the end.  It was so so so much fun!”  (Erin)

“The thing I found most challenging was solving the problem that another group gave us.” (Gabriela)

“I made sure that everyone was involved by letting everyone say their ideas.” (Kieran M)

Milestone Reached

Our Roots of Empathy this week was a visit  from Baby Allie. She has grown and is able to do much more. Today she was sitting up straight and playing with her toys. She was able to take the toys out of a plastic case. She wasn’t able to reach the last one at first, but she didn’t give up… she tried all sorts of things and finally she got the last toy. She also played with some balls which she liked banging together then rolling. When we sang for her she clapped her hands and laughed! She is able to do so much more now! The next milestone she has to reach is standing on her own and walking. She can stand just now, but needs Mum’s help. It is fun and really interesting to watch Allie grow and develop, she is teaching us so much!

Rainforest Dance

Primary 6/7 have been doing some creative dance linked to their topic about the Rainforest.  Today they listened to a piece of music then worked in groups to come up with some moves to fit to the beat of the music and tell a story.  The groups worked hard to create flow in the dance and worked on performing in time with each other.

Timing proved to be a challenge for some groups and was identified as a next step.

Here are a few photos from today’s session.

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P1/2 Learning Round-Up!

Primary 1/2 has been extremely busy over the past couple of weeks, taking part in many different learning opportunities.  All the children have demonstrated a number of skills including good listening, being able to follow instructions and working as part of a team.  We hope you enjoy looking at these pictures…

We took part in a Destination Judo Taster Session.  It was brilliant fun!

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We worked hard with members of the Stoneyburn Future Vision Group to tidy up some of our school grounds.

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One of our Primary 2 maths groups has been counting in 10’s starting with different numbers.  They are able to ask their friends questions using the bundles and single sticks to work out addition and subtraction sums.  Well done!

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We also joined Primary 3 for a Dance Taster Session.  We learned lots of new dance moves.

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Lots of people in our class achieved one of their ‘Fruity Friday’ certificates.  Well done everyone.

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We had brilliant fun on Monday working with the Primary 1 and 2 class from Greenrigg.  They visited Stoneyburn Primary School and worked in mixed teams to carry out a challenge of designing and making a Recycling Centre.  Everyone worked well in their groups and contributed well to discussions throughout the day.

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Finally, we have just started exploring ‘Measure’ in P1/2 and enjoyed investigating the lengths, heights and widths of different things using rulers, cubes and other objects.

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Transition day

While Primary 4 were sharing with their P4 friends in Greenrigg at Greenrigg, the P3’s  stayed in Stoneyburn, but we were busy too! We were finding out about Pond life, what lives below the surface, on the surface and above the surface. You would be amazed and how many things call a pond their home, or need the pond to live. We also watched a film about rock pools. There is lots of life there too, but they have a very different life to those that live in the pond. The rock pools change whether the tide is in, when there is lots of water, or when the tide is out and there is only a little water left behind.

In the afternoon we had a critical skills challenge. We had to make a shape that could float in the water. It sounded easy, but it wasn’t! At first all our shapes just sank! We worked in pairs to try and solve the problems we were having, so we could successfully complete the challenge!

We didn’t give up…we kept trying, and finally we all managed to make a shape from the playdoh that would float! The next part of the challenge was to say if our shape could carry any cargo!

“Our challenge was to make shapes from playdoh that floated on water. It wasn’t easy at first, but it was fun trying to get it to work” – Katie

“It was fun making boats, my boat sank at first but I tried and tried and I did it! My boat carried 66 small bricks before it sank!” – Leah

P5 Reflecting on Reading

Literacy Circles is a reading activity, it helps you understand the story more.  You have six different activities.  These are Super Summariser, Illustrious Illustrator, Character Cop, Feelings Finder and Quizzing Questioner.  You have to feedback to the rest of your group and pick a Literacy Leader to guide the discussion.  (Written by Sarah, Matthew & Katie)

I am most proud of being able to talk to Kieron and ask him the questions I had made up myself.  (Leon)

For my next step I would try to make my descriptions longer by explaining why.  (Jessica)

The thing that puzzled me the most was when I had to think of an ‘application’ question.  I used the question starter flowers on our class wall to help.  (Robbie G)

The thing that helped me when something got tricky was when other people in my group helped me to think of WOW words to use for my ‘Feelings Finder’ task.  (Sarah)

I helped someone to learn by helping them figure out a question for the ‘Quizzing Questioner’ task.  (Matthew)

The thing that helped me the most was being able to hear other people’s thoughts about their task because then when I come to do that one I will have better ideas.  (Katie)

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