Curling at Braehead Arena

On Wednesday 23rd November 40 P5-7 pupils from Greenrigg and Stoneyburn went to the Braehead Arena in Glasgow. We went to watch the European Curling Championships. We arrived at the arena at 11:30am so we could get settled before the men’s tournament that started at 12pm. We had a whole section of the stand to ourselves with an excellent view of the curling rink. We were given Scottish Flags to help us support and cheer for the Scottish team. We really enjoyed learning about curling and watching the championship. When Scotland were having their turn we made sure we cheered them on. Later on in the day we then had the women’s championship which started at 4pm. This time they were on a rink closer to us so we had a great view to cheer them on. The other spectators commented on how great it was to see us there supporting our Scotland teams. We had a great day out!

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On Wednesday 9th November Primary 6 from Greenrigg came to Stoneyburn Primary to work with our Primary 6s. Our transition topic this year is “Bridges”.

First of all we researched the 3 bridges that cross the Firth of Forth.

They are:

Forth Rail Bridge
Forth Road Bridge
Queensferry crossing.
We discussed what we would like to find out about each bridge


We formed groups of 3 and got started using the Internet to find out the answers.

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We produced a poster to share our information with others.

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In in the afternoon we took part in a stem challenge. We had to design a bridge which was at least the length of a ruler and could hold the weight of a hole punch. We could only use art straws and elastic bands.

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We all had different designs and different ways to make sure the hole punch could be held on the bridge. Some of our bridges were successful and some were not.

We debriefed the challenge at the end and came up with our next steps for our bridge building challenge.


P3/4 Head Bands Maths

To help explore numbers within 1000 we played the ‘Head Bands’ game where some of us got a number to stick on our heads and had to ask the rest of the group questions to help work out what the number was.  The rest of the group could only answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ so we had to think carefully about the questions we asked e.g. “Am I between 300 and 700?”   “Am I greater than 450?”  “Am I smaller than 600?”  Have a look at some of us below:


P3/4 Assembly Thank You

Thank you to everyone who came to watch our class assembly on Wednesday, it was great to see so many of you there to support our children and share in our learning.  Thanks also for all the help and support you gave the children with learning their lines, it was great to see that they all managed to present their lines without the use of their scripts.

P5/6 Harvest Assembly

In p5/6 we have been working really hard this week practising for our Harvest Assembly. Please come along to the church for 10am on Monday the 10th of October watch our performance and to take part in the church service. At the assembly we will be challenging people to bring to school some tinned foods which will be sent to West Lothian foodbank. We would be grateful if you could donate your cans to the school before Friday the 14th of October. The class with the longest line of cans on the Friday morning will win an extra wheelie day!

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on Monday!

P3/4 Reflecting on RME

This week we have been learning more about the Jewish festival of Shabbat:

They smell sweet spices when Shabbat finishes.  (Michael)

They light candles so we made our own Havdalah candle pictures using collage materials. (Brogan)

They tasted Shabbat bread and it tasted kind of like cake.  (Carla)

They have to set their lights on a timer because they weren’t allowed lights on during Shabbat.  (Aiden)

They weren’t allowed to do anything like cleaning and cooking.  (Keris)

P3/4 STEM challenge

Today I got to work with P3/4 and Mrs   Robley on their first STEM challenge. STEM is problem based learning that uses skills in science, technology, engineering and maths. They got to complete a mini challenge to try some of these skills out. A key part is being able to work with a group. They had to be able to talk and listen to each other. They had to work together and support each other to succeed. They learnt that it was ok for them to make a mistake or get it wrong as they could then think how to improve and try again. Well done, Miss Tukeimage

Primary 1 2016-2017…Welcome!

A huge welcome to our new Primary 1 children and families.  The children had a fantastic start to the school last week and are looking forward to their first week of full days.

This term, P1 children will have PE on a Wednesday with Mrs Warden and on a Thursday with Mrs Sibbald.  A full gym kit of shorts and T-shirt is required, (preferably school colours, no football strips/colours), as well as suitable gym shoes (for safety).

All children will be encouraged to get changed for gym and back into their school clothes independently, so please make sure on gym days your child has clothes that they can easily manage e.g. no shirts and ties.

Gym kits can be left in the cloakroom in a clearly labelled bag.

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