P6/5 Weekly blog from Fri 1st Sept

Now I have permission to add to the blog, please find below the blog the class created Friday 1st Sept. Apologies for the delay. Thanks, Mrs Rankin.

Well this has been a busy first full week within P6/5. We have had lots of things going on this week as we get back into the school routine. Please read below to hear some of our highlights:


  • Katie – we were given a long and hard spelling test this week. This is to help the teacher to see how well are at spelling.
  • Eve – we were finishing off our Class Charter for the classroom. This is all finished and up on our walls looking very colourful.
  • Alfie – Mrs Rankin gave us a maths test to see how good we are at numeracy with some addition, subtraction, multiplication and division questions.
  • Brogan – we finished off making our Group Points display for the classroom wall so that we can add the points we collect each day to them. This week the Wise Wonka’s got the most but it was a close call!
  • Hannah – Mrs Campbell paid us a visit with P2/3 on Thursday to ask us to become Playground Pals with the P2/3s. This is to make sure everyone has a friend in the playground. We will also become reading buddies with them and will meet with them on a Tuesday afternoon for a little while. We are all looking forward to that.
  • Alfie/Hannah/Leah/Brogan – we had music with Mrs Ewing for the first time and Leah, Hannah & Brogan were singing as a trio during the lesson.
  • Callum – the SSPCA came to visit us on Monday. Dawn from the SSPCA came to explain what they do and what we should to do if we see a hurt animal. We played a game with questions about animals – please see the pictures below.
  • We are all enjoying our time on a Friday recapping on our week to share with you all!

    Just as a reminder, for PE, anyone with pierced ears needs to remove the earrings before the lesson or bring tape to cover these. Pupils will not be able to take part if either is not done.


Another busy week for P7!

We are beginning to get more into a routine now. This week we all got new reading groups and books (well except for one group who only had 2 chapters to do to finish the book!, but by Thursday they too had a new book! Yeah!)

Wednesday is our extended writing day, and this week we wrote a letter to ourselves. We wrote about what we enjoyed most about last year, what we are looking forward to this year working with a new class,  well a reunited class, and a (not so) new teacher. We challenged ourselves, in setting targets about what we would like to achieve this year. Mrs Loosemore says that at the end of the year we will look back at this letter to see if we have indeed achieved the targets we set ourselves. So we are all going to be trying our best to work hard to succeed!

After successfully completing our class charter, we decided to add a working agreement so that we could make our class a happy, safe, hard working, successful environment to be part of. We discussed what we thought our class should look like, and sound like then each of us gave an idea to be included in our agreement. We wrote them all down in our big book, then we all added our signature to show that we agreed with the document and would do our best to adhere to it at all times.

Next week is Maths week, so we all have passwords and usernames so we can get onto Sumdog to carry out maths challenges and take part in the Scottish Maths Challenge week. We can get onto Sumdog not only in school but at home too. We had a quick tour of the site then some of us tried some games on our own. It looks like fun and the more you do the more challenging the games get.

“I liked writing a letter to myself. I had to give myself targets, then I finished by giving myself advice as to how I could achieve the targets I had set myself. It will be fun and interesting to look back at it at the end of the year”-Kuba

“I really enjoyed getting onto Sumdog. Mrs Davidson introduced us to it, but we havent been on it since she left, so it was good to get back on. I am looking forward to the games and challenging myself!” Shayne

P6/5 – What a quick week!

This week has really flown in with lots of things happening within P6/5. Read on to hear what we have been up to:

· Fraser & Alfie – in music this week we were learning Gospel and sang a song from Sister Act and also a song called Little Light of Mine.

· Katie – we were learning our colours in French this with Mrs Ewing and she gave us extra table points if everyone in each group knew these.

· Alfie – we were all given our logins and password for the maths application Sumdog. This is a maths programme with games using maths questions. There is a competition next week for Maths Week so we can use these to answer questions for the competition.

· Eve – we started the weekly Special Person this week and the P6/5 Special Person is…Fraser! Well done!

· Callum – in maths this week we were doing place value – Mrs Rankin gave us a class treasure hunt to find and solve. We are all Ace Number Code Crackers!

· Hannah – we were working with P3/2 this week and began being Playground Pals and Lead Learners with them on Tuesday afternoon. Some of us have 2 pals!

· Brogan – we were looking at wind energy again this week to come up with ideas for models we could try to make for the Levenseat competition which is due at the end of the month. We all came up with ideas and we have narrowed it down to 3 ideas which we will try to make in the next couple of weeks.

· Charley – The P5s went swimming to Fauldhouse on Wednesday afternoon. We all enjoyed it.

· All – we had a punctuation lesson with Mrs Rankin & Mrs Warden as well. We worked in 2 groups – one group had sentences with the correct punctuation and one group had sentences with incorrect punctuation. We created posters relating to these and when we compared these, they were so different! It showed us how important it is that we use punctuation correctly in our writing.

Junk needed please!

For our wind energy models, would it be possible to look through your recycling bin for any large 2 litre plastic bottles, cardboard and kitchen roll tubes – no toilet roll tubes please as these are too small for our models.

Have a nice weekend!


A busy week in Primary 4

We have had a busy week in Primary 4. This week we met baby Archie at Roots of Empathy and we were all very excited and can’t wait to see him again already!

We have been working really hard on our Energy topic and have thought of ideas for creating our own wind turbine models which we are going start to make next week. If anybody would like to bring in  or donate any used plastic bottles, cardboard, plastic cups or pringle tubs this would be great and would really help us!

Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed working together in a group to design a wind turbine model and doing bench ball with Mrs Warden” – Carla

“I enjoyed music with Mrs Ewing and talking about the proper names for loud and quiet music which are piano (p) and forte (f)” -Daniel

“I loved doing Go Noodle at the end of the day with Primary 3/2” -Rachel

“I enjoyed number talks where we used dot patterns and practising dribbling in Football with Miss Eunson” -Emma

“I liked watching Nina and the Neurons to find out about wind mills and wind turbines” -Jemma

“I enjoyed presenting my wind turbine model design to the class and getting two stars and a wish from our class” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked finding out about what renewable energy is” -Alex

“I enjoyed doing different spelling strategies and our spelling test” -Alesha

“I had fun at Roots of Empathy because a special baby Archie came to see us” -Darryl

“I thought the whiteboard number bonds game was good fun” -Michael

“I liked the number bonds smart board game we played” -Aiden

“I loved when Archie when Archie was trying to move in Roots of Empathy” -Lara

Here are some photographs of us at Roots of Empathy meeting baby Archie and of our groups presenting our wind power model designs to our class.



A Busy Week in P2/1

The boys and girls in P2/1 have been very busy this week sharing their ideas with each other and making decisions.

Our main job this week was to decide on our Class Charter.  The children were asked to think of ways to keep the classroom SAFE, HAPPY and a place of good LEARNING.  They were very able to think of ways to do this and are beginning to understand that everyone has a ‘right’ to come to school to be safe, happy and learning.  A group from the class also presented to the whole school at assembly and showed that they are ‘Confident Individuals’!

We have also started planning for our class topic which will be ‘Scottish Castles’.  The children were asked to draw a picture to share all they knew about castles.  As a class, and alongside P3/2, we will now plan our project, taking into account what the children already know, and what they would like to find out about.  We already have lots of exciting ideas swirling around, so keep your eyes peeled on the blog!

Here are some of the children’s initial drawings to show their existing knowledge and understanding of ‘Castles’…

Emma knew that lots of people lived and worked in a castle.

Gracie knew that a King and Queen live in a castle.

Rebecca has been to a castle before with her family.  She knows that the top parts are called ‘turrets’.

Lewis knew that there is usually water around a castle ‘to keep the bad guys away’.  Flags fly at the top of a castle and there are guards next to the drawbridge.

Seth knew lots about castles.  He knew about guards, knights, kings and queens.  He knew about the turrets at the top of a castle and the dungeon at the bottom!

Kacie E said that she has seen lots of castles and they have a clock at the top of a tower.

Kyle knew that there is water around the castle.

Nikodem has been on a bouncy castle before.  They’re lots of fun!

Leland knew that a castle has lots of bedrooms.

Jaden knew that a castle had ‘things’ on the top.  Rebecca told her they were called turrets.  She also knew that castles have a drawbridge.

Layla drew the inside of a castle.  It’s really big.

Paige drew a castle and a princess.

Kacie M knew that a King and Queen lives in a castle.  The queen’s crown sits at the top and flags fly around the castle.

David knew that a king would live in a castle and that a castle might have a tower.

Robbie drew a picture of ‘baddies’ in the dungeon.  They’ve been stealing the treasure.


P7’s Second week

After hearing snippets and blurbs from a variety of books to help us choose our class novel, we had a vote and decided the one that we wanted to hear was “Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief” by Rick Riordan. (It fits in with our topic too!)

On Monday we had a visit from the SSPCA. Dawn told us about wild animals that are native to Scotland and what we should do if we see an animal in trouble. She also explained the work that the SSPCA do.

We had a good discussion about holidays, and for our first piece of writing, we used our imagination to take us ANYWHERE (real or imaginative) for the holiday of a lifetime!

Working on our class charter was hard work, time consuming but fun! We chose Disney Characters for our theme.

“I really enjoyed writing because I got to go on tour with Little Mix!” – Sarah

“I liked my writing because I got to ride on Unicorns!” – Madyson

“I liked writing because I got to be a pupil at Hogwarts” – Katie

“I enjoyed the SSPCA visit because I got to learn about new animals” – Kieran McG

“I liked doing the class charter because we got to chose and colour Disney characters”- Brad

“I liked Gym on Wednesday with Mrs Warden because we got to go outside” – Natasha

“I enjoyed writing because I got to eat Donald Trump!” – Shayne


Monster Hive Learning

We have been learning lots of things in class this week.
We have enjoyed listening to Jack and the Beanstalk and making new beanstalks through STEM.

Jada:I found it tricky because we only had two peices of paper and we had to make leaves as well.
Kasey-lee: It was quite hard to cut small leaves.
Leon: I found it tricky because it had to stand up and not get knocked down by the wind.

We have new numercay and literacy boxes that we can choose activites from and some of the activites are very challenging.

Lewis: I love the matching game using addition and subtraction with big numbers.

Jordan and Adam: We love playing the picture number dominoes game.

Through writing this week we have been learning about Robin the Robot and describing him.
Lucas: I found it good sharing my ideas about his adventure.

A Super Second Week in P2/1

The boys and girls have continued to settle in to class very well.  We have done lots of activities this week and we would like to share our thoughts with you:

Seth – Being on the silver chart was my favourite time and doing the yoga bear hunt.

Finlay – I liked helping make rules for the class.

Nikodem – I liked getting my lunch.

Kacie M – I liked talking about feelings with P3/2.

Jaden – I liked going to Breakfast Club.

Robbie – Golden Time was my favourite.  I made a big snake.

David – I liked playing with Robbie at Golden Time with the snake.

Gracie – I liked doing some crafts and being on the iPad.

Paige – I’ve liked doing activities.

Leland – I liked playing football outside.

Emma – I’ve liked taking things to Mrs Bennie.

Lewis – I liked making the snake with Robbie.

Layla – I liked going to gym with Mrs Warden.

Kacie E – I liked playing with Leland in the woods and making dens.

Aleksander – I liked snack and playtime.

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