STV Children’s Appeal

***STV Children’s Appeal***

Thank you once again to everyone who came along to support our fundraising event for the STV Children’s Appeal with Sean Batty!  The final figure raised from dress down and sponsored welly walk was the grand total of £1246!  This is an outstanding achievement for our wee school so a HUGE ‘thank you’ to everyone who contributed and supported us.

The PTA also held a very successful coffee morning and the proceeds from the teas and coffees and the bake sale raised £110.05.  This amount will be added to the PTA funds and they will let you know in due course what the money will be used for.

Thank you once again for a very successful morning 🙂


Another busy week in Primary 4

We have really enjoyed this week and we have lots of fun. On Monday, we loved our trip to Whitelee Wind Farm and finding out more about our topic  and renewable energy.

Here are some more of our reflections on the week and what we have been learning:

“I liked finishing our class novel George’s Marvellous medicine and I am looking forward to our next class novel” – Darryl

“I enjoyed the fly swat game in French with Mrs Ewing” – Michael

“I liked getting to meet Mrs Ewing’s daughter Abbie” -Alesha

“I enjoyed presenting to the judges for our school Levenseat competition” -Aiden

“I liked getting to touch the blade from a real wind turbine” -Jaymee -Leigh

“I really enjoyed doing the wind sock experiment when we went on our trip to Whitelee Wind Farm” -Daniel

“I enjoyed seeing the wind turbines in real life and also presenting to the judges about what we have been learning” -Carla

“I know there are 215 wind turbines at Whitelee Wind Farm” -Jemma

“I enjoyed the solar, hydro and wind experiments in the workshop” -Jack

“I learned that the size of the biggest turbine is about 25 buses stacked on top of each other” -Alex

“I know the blades of wind turbines are made out of wood”- Emma

Here are some photographs of our week and us enjoying our time at Whitelee Wind Farm.


Another awesome week in P2/1

What a busy week our P2/1’s have had!

We started our week practising hard for our Harvest assembly that was held up at the Church on Tuesday.  All the children from P1, 2 and 3 worked very hard to learn songs, lines and actions and performed ‘The Little Red Hen’ very confidently to their friends and family at the Church.  What a lot of Confident Individuals we have at Stoneyburn PS!  I cannot wait for the Christmas Show – the standard has been set!

On Wednesday, we had to work on our windmills for the Levenseat Competition that is taking place next week.  We have been busy learning about windmills and then had to design and make our own.  We learned that if the sails are folded, then they will (hopefully!) catch the wind better and spin around.  On Thursday afternoon, we went outside to test them out!  Some of them worked quite well and then a group of boys decided to place them on the fence so that they looked like a real wind farm!

Thursday morning was also very exciting and we enjoyed our sponsored Welly Walk around the school field, the weather disco and dressing up in different weather clothes.

We are looking forward to our trip on Monday.  Please remember to bring a packed lunch on Monday morning and wrap up warm!

Busy, busy…busier!

What a week we have had, we have been on the go all week, not only with our every day work, but with special visits, outdoor learning and welly walking!

On Tuesday we visited the Scottish Parliament. We had time in the classroom there, where we learned more about how the parliament works and took part in a quiz about devolved powers and protected powers. Our guide was very impressed with our knowledge, we got all of our questions right! She said we were the best primary school she had had. She then took us on a tour, explaining lots about the building and the MSPs who work there. We got into the debating chamber too and saw where it all happens! After our tour we went to the chat room, we were about to start another quiz when Angela Constance our MSP came to join us! She told us all about how she became a politician and about the work she does. She also answered all our questions, it was a great end to a brilliant day!

On Wednesday afternoon we had our first session with the Forest School Rangers Hannah and Tracy. We went to the woods behind the school, the rain stayed off for us, but the ground was soaking and VERY muddy, we had a ball!! After setting  the rules for respecting each other and protecting the environment, we then set boundries as to how far we could go. Then we had some free time to explore and have fun. Next week we hope to start building dens! (we hope the rain stays away for the afternoon!!)

Thursday was our STV Childrens’ Appeal Charity Day. We had the opportunity to sing “Always take the weather with you” for Sean Batty and he really liked it! We then had great fun at the disco, designed our own dream wellies and had a weather word search to complete. Soon it was our turn for the welly walk (or should that be mud dance??). It was a great morning, and we hope we have raised lots of money for the appeal!

“I enjoyed meeting and talking to our MSP” – Shayne

” I like finding a frog, and different types and colours of leaves when we were out with Forest Schools” – Kuba

“My Mum used to cut Angela Constance’s Mum’s hair” – Madyson

“My favourite part was in Forest schools when Kuba said to Hannah, “Don’t let me go” and Robbie McC said “It’s not the Titanic Kuba!” -Sarah

“I loved that we got the opportunity to sing for Sean Batty”- Erin

“It’s great to have Alexander back with us in class” – Matthew

” I thought it was great fun playing tig amongst the trees and bushes in Forest Schools” – Keiran McG

” I like that the Pupil Voice groups are now taking place, and that I got taking pictures” – Kieron H

“Angela Constance noticed me, she said it was from the Gala Day, and asked if I was the champion. I told her that it was my brother”- Matthew

P6/5 – What a Week!

This has been quite an eventful week for everyone. The Primary 6 pupils went for a visit to the Scottish Parliament. This was arranged for them as they covered this topic last year. More details on this are below. We also had a visit from Sean Batty for the STV Children’s Appeal on Thursday which was a great morning!

Read on for more details.

  • Danielle – we had our first Futsal lesson on Wednesday afternoon. We were learning how to control the ball and some other skills.
  • Hannah – we had the visit on Thursday from Sean Batty which was very exciting for us all.
  • Cory – the Tunnock’s man also came along with Sean Batty and left us some treats.
  • Alfie – we had the wellie walk and weather themed disco during Sean’s visit and we all dressed up in weather themed clothes! During the disco we danced to Don’t Stop Believing with the P7s which we did last year – it was great fun.
  • Charley – we finished off our wind models this week and were outside testing them when it was windy on Wed & Thu. We tried today but it wasn’t windy for once!
  • Eve – we finished off our winter display and it is already up in the hall.
  • Callum/Hannah/Alfie/ Fraser – we all had a trip to the Scottish Parliament with the P7s and Mrs Lossemore & Mrs Rankin. Miss Smith came along too. We got a tour of the building and got a chance to actually go into the Debating Chamber and get a group picture! We also saw the mace which sits at the front of the Presiding Officer during sessions – it is made of silver and gold and weighs the same as a bag of sugar. It was really interesting to hear all about it and see where the MSPs actually work. Angela Constance popped in to see us after our tour and she answered some questions we all had. It was very kind of her to meet with us.
  • Leah – the P5s went to the Harvest service on Tuesday and then some of us went and joined Miss Eunson’s class and others joined Mrs Campbell’s class for the day.
  • Charley – we continued on with Time in maths this week. We were converting time from analogue to digital and we started reading timetables.
  • Callum – this was our first week in the Pupil voice Groups.
  • All – we were given the city we live in for our French Families!

Here are some pictures from our week.

It’s the last week of this term next week! What a quick term.

Have a nice weekend.



Tomorrow’s Welly Walk…

Good morning, quick update about tomorrow’s STV Children’s Appeal event…

The whole event takes place between 9.00-10.00am. Sean Batty will be here at that time. Please note that attendance to the coffee morning for adults/friends of the school, will be taken as your permission to be filmed/photographed, unless you speak to me directly.

The classes will be out for their sponsored welly walk at the following times:
P1/2/3 – 9.00-9.15
P4 – 9.15-9.30
P6/5 – 9.30-9.45
P7 – 9.45-10.00

You are more than welcome to walk with your child at their time – please just make your way out to the playground.

Before and/or after your child’s welly walk slot, they will be in the hall for the disco or in their class for a weather themed activity. Tunnock’s will kindly be providing goodies for the children which will be given out at some point tomorrow morning.

Children should wear wellies or suitable outdoor shoes for their welly walk (especially since it has been raining recently and the path will no doubt be a bit muddy).

All sponsor money should be brought in tomorrow or as soon as possible so we can send to the STV Children’s Appeal.

Welly planters for the competition should also be brought in tomorrow morning. We have a prize for P1-3 and P4-7 entries.

I hope this answers most of your questions about tomorrow’s event and we are all looking forward to seeing you.

Mrs Sibbald

What a week!

We have had another busy week. On Monday we led the school assembly. Our assembly was on Equality and Equity. We explained what each one meant and what the difference between them were. Sarah and Kuba acted in a little sketch to explain the difference too. At the end Rev. Malloch spoke to us all about being ourselves, we might all be different, but that’s okay, we should be happy with who we are, and try to be the best we can be!

We continued with our STEM project. Working on our prototype, we made changes which we hoped would improve the performance of our vehicles! Next week we hope to make bigger models, so we would be grateful for any boxes and bits and bobs that we could use. Any old cars that we could take the wheels off of (or any little wheels you may have) would be very useful too. We hope to finish off our STEM challenge by building a land wind car that we can actually sit on, so any wood and old pram or small bike wheels would be very gratefully  welcomed and accepted!

We continued our STEM experience into our writing, when we wrote out the instructions on how we built our little cars, so that others could try to do it for themselves. We made sure that we set the instructions out properly and used good technical language, including imperative verbs!

As part of our topic work, we were split into pairs and given a research task to do. Each pair had to find out information about a Greek God or Goddess that they were given. We had to make sure that we had enough info to share with the rest of the class so that we can combine all the information to make a fact file about all the Gods and Goddesses.  Later on in the week we heard the Greek Legend of Pandora’s box.

Hannah came in to talk to us about Forest Schools. Next week we are starting a 5 week block on a Wednesday Afternoon, when we will move our classroom outside to learn and use new skills!

Rev. Malloch visited us on Thursday to spend time with us in our classroom. He told us all about Paul and why he is important to the Christian Faith.

“I enjoyed hearing all about Forest Schools from Hannah, and I am really looking forward to working with her and Tracy over the next 5 weeks”- Erin

“I liked doing our assembly, I really enjoyed Kuba’s and Sarah’s drama” – Katie

“I liked gym with Mrs Warden. We got to go outside” Natasha

“I loved doing the drama with Sarah. I liked that there was a comedic side to it” – Kuba

“I really enjoyed writing out the instructions for making a wind powered car.” – Sarah

“Making improvements to our cars was challenging and fun. We got to ‘steal’ other people’s ideas to help our own designs” – Brad

“It was good having Mr Tennant back, I like playing basketball” – Leah

” I enjoyed doing the game part with the rest of the school during our assembly” – Leon

“I though Basketball was brilliant” – Robbie G

“I’m looking forward to our visit to the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday” – Robbie McC

” I liked Mr Malloch’s talk and film about Paul. How he cahnged from hating Christians to becoming one, and how he changed his name from Saul to Paul” – Kieran McG



P6/5 Weekly Update

We have had another quick week here in P6/5. From wind energy projects, to pictures being taken, to doing Time in maths – it flew in!

Here are some of our highlights:

  • Hannah – we were doing more work on our wind energy projects. We started building these and will finish these off on Monday and get to test them outside to see if they work.
  • Eve & Charley – we started work for our Winter display for the hall. We were painting winter scene pictures and also a rainy day scene. We used water to help blend the colours we were using.
  • Keris – we were finishing off our Achievements & Dream posters this week and some are already up on the classroom walls.
  • Alfie – in French we continued with our French Families. We were given our names, ages, flags for our countries so we had to design our characters.
  • Brogan – during RME this week we were learning about Ghandi.
  • Callum – the football afterschool club started on Monday and it was good.
  • Leah – the afterschool netball club also started this week on Tuesday and it was great.
  • Charley – on Tuesday morning we all had our pictures taken both individual and family groups.

Here are a few pictures of us building our wind models.

Have a nice weekend.



Learnig in P3/2

Another very busy week in class.  We have been working really hard to learn our lines and songs for the harvest assembly on Tuesday 3rd October,  Breich Valley Parish Church at 10 am.  Hope you can join us.

” I have enjoyed writing this week, I love writing poems about harvest”  Shay said.

“Numeracy has been hard this week but I have been using a rekenrek to help me with my sums.”  Says Bayliss.

Adam cant wait to find out what adventures Biff and Chip are going on now they have a magic key.

Mini-kickers in school this week has meant that P3/2 have been keeping extra fit.

“I love doing the daily mile this keeps us fit all the time and gets my body ready to do lots of work in class.”  Said Jada


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