Primary 4

We have been very busy in Primary 4 this week and Miss Eunson is very glad to be back and has missed everyone in Primary 4.

Here is our comments and reflections on the week:

“We have been writing our own spooky stories” -Darryl

“I enjoyed practising my spelling words and doing different spelling activities” -Aiden

“I enjoyed using the Red Thinking Hat in reading to think about our feelings” -Alesha

“I loved writing numbers using thousands, hundreds tens and ones” -Jack

“I liked doing handwriting and writing a sentence” -Jay

“I liked using the thousands, hundreds, tens and ones materials to make numbers” -Alex

“I enjoyed doing our spelling test for our spelling words” -Jemma

“I liked singing with Mrs Ewing and P6/5 as well”- Michael

“I loved doing Numeracy ICT games” -Rachel

“I enjoyed together time when we got to get together in our house groups” -Carla

“I enjoyed using cotton buds and paint to make numbers on ten frames” -Bethany

“I liked flashing ten frames and getting to guess how many there were” -Lara

“I liked playing the times table bingo game” -Emma

“I liked doing number talks using ten frames” -Daniel

P2/1 ‘Learning Together’

Thank you to the mums and dads who attended our ‘Learning Together’ morning in P2/1. The children really enjoyed having you in. Thank you also for taking the time to complete the feedback sheet; it’s much appreciated! Here are the comments from this morning:
‘Great fun with the kids. Loved getting to spend time in class. Lots of choice in activities.’
‘Loved spending time with [child] in class and finding out what the kids are doing in class. It was great fun.’
‘Lots of fun things for the kids. Nice to see what they are doing in class. [Child] loved to draw pictures.’
‘We loved seeing [child] in her class and all the activities she could do.’
‘Great fun this morning, nice to see what the kids get up to in the morning before lessons. [Child] loved having mum in for a bit.’
‘Great to see [child] learning and to see her confidence improve.’
Our next ‘Learning Together’ will take place Tuesday 6th February 2018. Hope you can make it 🙂

Writing, designing, building, making, playing!

Although it has been a shorter week than usual, we have worked just as hard! On Tuesday we wrote letters to our MSP (Angela Constance)  thanking her for spending time with us when we visited the Scottish Parliament. We made sure that our letter was correctly set out, and we used appropriate specialist vocabulary e.g. constituency;schedule etc.

We are continuing to use Literacy circle work with our reading and are each taking responsibility for a different task each week. Our lessons this week included some new games on the smart board with challenges for us to do. In the afternoon we continued with our Forest Schools experience. This week our dens began to take more of a recognizable  shape as we started to build the walls and roof. Those of us who were at a Netball Tournament last week, are behind the others with our den but we collected sticks and branches to start our den, and Tracey showed us how to use a specialist saw to cut through a tree.

As part of our Ancient Greeks Topic, we learned about the Trojan War. We made a Trojan horse for our wall display. That was how the war was finally won, after ten years, when the Greeks tricked the Trojans with a wooden horse which, unknown to the Trojans, contained hidden Greek soldiers inside.  With the success of this trick, the Greeks won the war.

Mr Tennant kept us busy during gym time with bleep tests and Ultimate Dodge Ball. It was challenging but great fun!

“I really enjoyed gym with Mr Tennant, playing Ultimate Benchball which includes, dodgeball, benchball and basketball was the best fun ever!” – Robbie G

“I am glad to be back at school after the October Break” – Leon

“The Beep Test was challenging, Brad and I got to 13.1” – Sarah

“I liked hearing about the Trojan War, and I loved  making our own Trojan horse”-Katie

“Forest Schools was even better this week, we got to start building the walls and the roof of our den” – Kuba

“I really liked writing a letter to our MSP Angela Constance” – Brad

” I thought putting our Trojan horse together was fun. We all had to make individual planks of wood, then we fitted them together to make the horse.” – Madyson

“The new games that we played at reading were challenging but great fun” – Robbie McC

“I taught Kuba how to play downfall and showed him different strategies to use”- Erin

“We have a happy book in the class, where we can write down things that have made us happy, or smile. We hope that if someone is having a bad day or feeling bad, they can look in the book and that will maybe help them feel better. I wrote a joke in it today, I enjoyed doing that!” – Robbie G



First Week Back

Well we have started off term 2 with a busy week. We were straight back into working hard!

Read on to hear what we have been up to. Eve & Charley were keen to contribute to the P6/5 blog this week!

  • Charley – we started off on Tuesday with our new topic which is Mary Queen of Scots. We want to learn more about her and her husbands and why she was imprisoned for 19 years.
  • Eve – we had a visit from Rev Malloch on Thursday afternoon.
  • Cory – we had Futsal again this week and we were learning about passing. We had a game as well.
  • Brogan – in French we were learning spooky words and we did a word search with all the words.
  • Brodie – in music we were using rhyme and alliteration using a cauldron!
  • Cory – in maths we were learning to read timetables and had different activities to do to read these such as working out what time we could get a train/flight and how long some journeys were.
  • Charley – in writing this week we were writing about a giant tortoise and about a house on his back. We were focusing on self-assessing our work and also looked at peer-assessment too.
  • Eve – in music we had a few class members playing in band. Hannah, Charley, Alfie and Jack were in our band.
  • Eve – in maths we used Plickers to answer multiple choice questions for our Time topic on the smartboard. We like using this.
  • Charley – in reading this week we were using alliteration as well for George’s Marvellous Medicine with a potion bottle
  • To end the week we created some Halloween haunted house pictures using oil pastels.

Here are some of our pictures and artists!

Have a good weekend!


P4 This Week

Maths – Izak9

This week we enjoyed using IZAK9 for some of our maths work.  For one of the tasks we had to use our knowledge of the 8 compass points to help us complete the challenge.  Here’s some pictures of us working in our groups:

Halloween Artwork

We also did some painting this week, but not with paint brushes – we used paper towels instead!  We created silhouettes of bats by dabbing white paint over the bat shapes that we had cut out and stuck onto the card.  Once the paint was dry, we peeled the bats off to reveal the silhouettes.  Here’s our finished pieces:

Sunny Synonyms

Yesterday we worked with a partner to create sunny synonyms.  Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings.  We thoughts of WOW words that could be used instead of common everyday words.  Here’s what we came up with:

We hope Miss Eunson is feeling better because we’re all missing her and are looking forward to welcoming her back soon.

Wonderful Word Week in P2/1

What a fantastic start to Term 2 in P2/1!

On Wednesday, we were introduced to someone who has been living in a box in our classroom!  He’s been hiding and the P1 boys and girls have been asking who he is and what he does.  The P2 girls know all about him and were very excited to share what they knew.  His name is Stitch.

We received a letter from him to say that he had been listening carefully to our learning and he knew that we were now ready to help him save his planet!  He comes from a planet very far away and on his planet, words are generated to created power.  However, his planet are running low on new words and life is very difficult with little power.  So he needs our help!  He’s back on his mission to collect new vocabulary.

He has asked P2/1 to send any new vocabulary that they learn, read or write so it can be sent back to his planet to be put into the vocabulator – the machine that changes words into power!

The boys and girls are VERY excited to start sending words and have been listening very carefully to stories to hear if they can spot any words that are new to them.

We are also starting to sort new vocabulary into anchor words, goldilocks words and step on  words.

Anchor words –  words that we hear a lot and we all mostly know the meaning of.

Goldilocks words – words that are not too easy or too tricky.  Words that would be great to use in our writing.

Step on words – words that we don’t hear that often or that are very specific to topics.

P3/2 Busy Week

Tuesday we came back from our October holidays.  We wrote about the things that we all did.

Owen had a great time at butterfly world.

Adam loved meeting Mickey Mouse on his adventures to Disney Land Paris.

Kaseylee and Shay loved their time at the caravan.

Alexander loved staying at his grans house.

Riley really loved seeing his grans new caravan.

On wednesday we designed our pumpkin faces for our infant competition.  The winner will be announced on Monday.

Thursday we got a very important message from Waxy the Witch to say that her flying potion was running out.  We had to write about making a new potion for Waxy.  We actually had some of the potion in class.

“The potion smelt like mints.” said Billie

Layla added mints to her potion.

Calum used grass to make his green.

Lillie put a cup of blood to her potion.

Lewis added eye-balls and worms. YUCK

All of us loved doing our writing this week.



Wind, Rain and Nets!

Another hectic week for P7 with lots of different activities to challenge us and have fun with. Monday started the week well, with us all working in class and having a together time with Mrs Craig in the afternoon. That was a very different together time because it was only ourselves and P6/5 that were there, the others were all away at the wind farm!

On Tuesday it was our turn to visit Whitelees Wind Farm, and what a place it is!! It is huge with loads of wind turbines! It used to be the biggest in Europe but now another wind farm has 5 more turbines! We had different challenges and experiments to do, all about the power of the wind! We used windsocks and anemometers to find the direction and speed of the wind, then we explored a peat bog. In the afternoon we had more experiments this time in the classroom where we had to build our own turbines, picking the number and type of blade to find which ones produced the most energy to light a little light!

On Wednesday some of us were out again in the afternoon with the forest schools. This time we started building our own shelters. We had to gather materials from all around us, decide which shape our shelter should be, and we learned how to tether the branches together to make a strong frame. The rest of us were at a netball tournament with other schools in our cluster. We have been practising with Mrs Warden at the after school netball club, but this is the first tournament we have taken part in. We all enjoyed the experience and cant wait for the next one!

“I really enjoyed the tournament, we did well since this was our first time!” – Leon

“The turbines at the windfarm were amazing and I really liked doing all the experiments!” – Katie

“It was great to welcome Jay into our class” – Madyson

“Madyson got stuck in a swamp at forest schools and had to be rescued! It took 2 people and Tracy one of our leaders to get her out!” – Sarah

“I had great fun at the Netball tournament!” – Erin

“I really liked starting to build our shelters”- Brad

“Jumping in the puddles on the way back from forest schools was great fun! My wellies filled up with water!” – Matthew

“Mrs Loosemore found a frog in the peat bog, I called him Pete!” – Kuba

“Monday was a relaxing class work day before another busy week!” – Erin

“It was awesome standing next to a wind turbine and seeing how big they really are!” – Robbie G.


P6/5 Weekly Highlights – Term 1 Complete!

What quick and busy last week of term! We had Mrs Campbell on Monday and had a great art lesson learning about different artists, we were at Whitelee Windfarm on Tuesday, Wednesday Mrs Ewing had us as usual and then Thursday and Friday we had Mrs Rankin.

Here are some of our highlights:

  • Charley – For music on Thursday, Mrs Ewing brought her daughter in – she played the trumpet for us.
  • Brogan – For RME, we watched Chariots of Fire to round off the Eric Liddell topic.
  • Keris – In maths we were continuing with Time and kept getting asked how long it was until break or what time it was.
  • Charley – The netball team went to Whitburn Community Centre on Wednesday afternoon. The school team came fifth!
  • Alfie – this morning we got our flu vaccinations. The nurses flew through the class and we were completed in no time.
  • Cory – On Tuesday we were at Whitelee Windfarm – it was a great day and we learnt a lot about more about wind turbines and Whitelee itself.
  • Leah – It was Parent’s Evening last night.
  • Callum – Today we had our first House Time sessions. We were answering questions about what we would like to do as a house during the year.
  • Jack – The Book Fayre was in school this week and a few of us bought books.

Here are some pictures from our visit to Whitelee Windfarm.



Have a great week off!



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