Busy Bees in P2/1

What a very busy time P2/1 have been having!  Over the past few weeks we have been busy making lots of beautiful things for the Christmas Fayre – which was a great success, so Thank You!  Our class raised nearly £70 so we will enjoy spending our money on new games for RAP time after the New Year.

Yesterday we received a letter from the main man of the season – Santa Claus!!  He wrote to us to tell us that some of his elves had been a bit silly and had forgotten to write down the things that children had wanted beside their name.  He asked for our help to write another letter to check if he had managed to sort everything out!  Our Primary 2 girls worked very hard with Mrs Campbell on this job and Primary 1 did a fantastic job of writing their letters.  Lots of detailed pictures and great sounding out of words using sounds that they know.  These letters are sure to make Santa’s job very easy!

Our main focus over the past couple of weeks has of course been our Christmas Nativity.  The boys and girls have been working extremely hard to learn their lines, song words and all of their stage actions.  You are going to be very impressed when you come along to see it.  It was exciting last week when we got to try on our costumes for the first time!!  Our first Show is on Tuesday at 1.30pm and our evening performance is at 6.00pm.  We can’t wait for you to see our show!

P4 Weekly Update

Primary Four would like to firstly thank everyone for coming to our stall at the Christmas Fayre on Tuesday and buying our products which helped us to make a good profit.  We will now be able to decide what we would like to spend our money on to help our learning in our classroom.

We would also like to say a big thanks to the PTA for organising the Christmas Fayre and for our new games box which we have already used this week during indoor break.

Miss Eunson would also like to remind the children and parents that we will be outside for gym on Monday so please bring suitable gym outdoor gym kits and footwear.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I enjoyed the Christmas Fayre when I was working on the stall helping Miss Eunson” -Carla

“I enjoyed doing the rehearsal for the Christmas show” -Michael

“I liked watching the dress rehearsal of the P1, 2 and 3 Nativity” -Daniel

“I enjoyed doing P.E with Mrs Howard on Monday” -Alesha

“I liked doing the Izak 9 challenge and trying to find the right order for the numbers” -Jay

“I liked practising handwriting and writing sentences” -Jack

“I loved getting to write a letter to Santa thanking him for our class Elf on the Shelf” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I liked learning about money and putting notes and coins in the right order” -Alex

“I liked making the wreaths for our Christmas Fayre” -Rachel

“I liked working on the stall and working out money and giving change” -Jemma

“I liked circle time when we got to talk about times we haven’t felt good about ourselves and who we can go to or how we can make ourselves feel better” -Darryl

“I liked writing a letter to Santa” -Bethany

“I enjoyed when our Elf on the Shelf took a selfie and set it as the background on our teachers laptop ” – Emma

Monster Hive Learning


We actually got a letter from santa and he asked for our help.  His elves mixed up all of his post and he didn’t know what the children of Stoneyburn would like.  So we have been very busy writing a letter to him to let him know what we would like.

“I loved drawing my pictures of what I have asked for.” said Jaden

“It was really tricky but we did a plan first.” Lillie said.

“I had to use capital letters, full stops and connectives in my writing.” said Lewis.

Our nativity acting and singing has been going great.  We did it in front of the whole school which was a great success.

Layla said,” I was really happy and nervous.”

Alexander said ” I was really nervous.”

Adam said ” It was a brilliant opportunity to perform infront of a real audience.”

We got new colouring in books to help us to stay in the lines.  Corey did a fantastic job of this. Well done Corey.

Calum loved the winter wonderland art work we did this week.

“We had to use cold colours.” said Calum.

The Monster Hive children would like to say thank you to all of the people who came to our fair.  We made money that will go towards buying new things for the classroom.  Thanks again.


Netball Festival

Well done to our Stoneyburn netball team, playing against other primary schools in our cluster today. The team did really well and are definitely showing improvements from our last festival. Leah Hunter (P7) was a star shooter scoring in 3 out of 4 games🌟🌟🌟

P4 Weekly Update

Apologies for this not being uploaded at the end of last week, the glow system was down on Friday for all staff until Monday which meant Miss Eunson could not get access to post on the blog.

Here is our post from Friday:

Primary Four have had a very busy week.  On Tuesday we loved sharing our learning with parents and showing them how we do paired reading with Primary Seven. We have enjoyed making our crafts and getting prepared for the Christmas Fayre next Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we enjoyed a visit from baby Archie during our Roots of Empathy and were so pleased to see how happy and smiley he was. Today, in P4 we got a visit from a special Elf on the Shelf who came with a letter asking us to create a name for him.

Here are our reflections on the week:

“I liked meeting our Elf on the Shelf” –Alesha

“I enjoyed doing Health and Wellbeing and talking about our feelings and what makes us feel good about ourselves” –Rachel

“I enjoyed doing paired reading and reading my book to P7 partner Jay” –Carla

“I liked doing listening games with Mrs Rankine” –Darryl

“I enjoyed decorating our classroom for Christmas” –Alex

“I liked writing this week because we got to write about a good friend and I also liked doing listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Aiden

“I liked designing ourselves as Elves” –Jack

“I enjoyed making a name for our Elf on the Shelf and listening games with Miss Gilroy” –Emma

“I loved our visit from Reverend Malloch and getting to ask him questions” –Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed getting prepared for the Christmas fayre and making posters with our class business logo on it” – Michael

“I enjoyed painting and designing things for our Christmas fayre” –Jemma

“I liked doing basketball with Mrs Warden” –Jay

“I enjoyed doing gymnastics with Miss Eunson” –Daniel

“I enjoyed designing myself as an elf” –Lara

“I liked getting to write about my good friend Aaron” –Ethan

“I liked our ‘Relax and Read’ time and getting to come up with a name for this” -Bethany

P6/5 Weekly News

Sorry for the delay for our blog for last week. The full Glow system we use for the school blog was down from Thursday evening until Monday. We put our blog together as normal, but Mrs Rankin wasn’t able to upload it on Friday.

Better late than never..here we go. Last week was a busy week for us getting organised for the Christmas Fayre and we were in full steam ahead getting on with our crafts. We made our lollipop tree decorations first and these have turned out well. It was then onto putting together our Pine Cone Elves which involved different stages for the production line and having some patience letting things dry!

Other highlights of our week are:

  • Callum – a few of us were off playing Longridge football team on Thursday afternoon at the Community Centre. This was our first competitive game and unfortunately, we lost 1-2 but we all enjoyed taking part.
  • Keris – we have been asked to elf ourselves for a school display and Mrs Rankin has taken our pictures to get these started!
  • Brogan – on Monday morning, all girls in the school got the opportunity to take part in a football taster session with a coach called Rachel. It was good fun!
  • Alfie – while the girls were at football with Mrs Rankin, the boys had Mrs Loosemore and she gave us a maths lesson with a difference. We had to use the internet to see what we could buy an imaginary family with £500 for Christmas. We did quite well!
  • Eve – we had our last futsal session this week. We have all enjoyed these sessions.
  • Hannah – the P6/7 choir this week was taken by Mrs Loosemore. We are getting better and the Santa Parade is getting closer!
  • Cory – we had our usual weekly spelling tests.
  • Charley – we are all really enjoying making our crafts for the Christmas Fayre. Mrs Rankin showed those of us who wanted to sew how to make hats for the elves. They all look great.

Here are a few pictures of our crafts in production.

PE days will be changing in the run up to Christmas due to a new PE teacher starting on Monday. Mrs Rankin will let us know which days we will need our PE kits on once she sees the gym timetable.

Christmas has arrived in the P6/5 classroom with a mini tree and some decorations and of course an advent calendar! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and we hope to see you at our stall on Tuesday evening!



Another Busy Week in P3/2


This week, we’ve been continuing our work on subtraction and have been trying to use number line jumps more independently to show our working.

Some of us were learning the ‘friendly 10’ strategy, where we jump to the nearest ‘friendly 10’ number then jump the rest, to cross the boundary, rather than counting in ones.  We loved the challenge of doing this with bigger numbers too!

Number Talks

We did a ‘Target Number’ challenge where we had to think up with lots of different ways of making the number 9, using subtraction.  Here’s some of our ideas:


We’ve been focusing on reading with expression to help bring stories to life and make them sound interesting.  We tried to read to a partner using as much expression as we could.

This week we’ve also been identifying WOW words in different book.  We tried to find some from our reading book and also from the books in our class library.  If a page didn’t have a WOW word, we found a boring or everyday word and tried to think of a WOW word that the author could’ve used to make it sound more interesting.  Here’s some of our ideas:

Christmas is Coming!

It won’t be long now until our Christmas Fayre and Christmas Concert, so we’ve taken a break from our ‘Castles’ work this week to start making the products we will be selling at our Fayre and to paint some scenery for our Christmas Nativity:

Thanks for another great week Primary 3/2 – hopefully you’ll be able to welcome Mrs Campbell back on Monday.

Another week, more achieved!

It’s getting even busier in our classroom, with Christmas fast approaching we have started our enterprise topic. We are all being very creative and it is exciting to see our things taking shape. We really like what we are making. We hope that you will like them as much as we do,  and buy them!

Maths has been really challenging this week, we have been working with Algebraic equations! We started by finding missing numbers in a sum e.g. x +5= 17 what is the value of x ? Then we moved to working with much more complicated equations e.g. 3x + 5= 26, what is the value of x? When we were confident with this we moved onto even harder ones: 4x +2 = 3x +9 what is the value of x? We need a bit more practice with the last example but we getting to grips with it. It has been challenging but fun doing these equations and we are delighted when we calculate the equation correctly!

Another first for us this week was working with the P4’s. We have teamed up together to do paired reading. Working with P4,  has let us get to know them better, and in reading together, we can share our skills with them, hopefully helping them to become more confident readers.

We also work with our buddies in P1 during their Smart Start on Thursday mornings. This helps make our relationship with our buddies stronger, and also lets them know that we are here for them, and they are important to us!

“I really enjoyed doing Algebra, it was really hard to start with, but with practice I understood it more and I found it fun to do” – Sarah

“Painting the characters for the Infant Nativity was fun” – Matthew

“Our language work was all about making inferences,we learned how to make inferences from pictures and from text, by using what we know, and adding that to explicit details from a picture or text. This will help us with our own reading and writing” – Kuba

“I’m glad we have started our Christmas Enterprise work, it’s fun making things!” – Kieran Mc

“I enjoyed making the things we are going to sell at the Christmas Fayre” – Robbie

“I like being creative” – Brad

” Doing Paired reading with P4 was exciting” – Leon

“I liked spending time with my buddy during Smart Start” – Erin

“Playing Basketball games with Mrs Warden was tiring but fun!” – Katie

P4 Weekly News

Primary four have had a very exciting and busy week. We started making our elf doors and Christmas door hangers to sell at our Christmas Fayre. Here are some photographs of us having fun making these:



We also began paired reading with primary seven and really enjoyed this. We know the rules and signals to use in paired reading and cannot wait to meet up with primary seven to do this again next week.

Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked doing writing about my favourite celebration – christmas” -Jay

“I liked practising our dance and song for our Christmas performance” -Michael

“I enjoyed doing paired reading with primary seven” -Jaymee-Leigh

“I enjoyed being back with my friends after a week off school” -Carla

“I loved making the elf doors and Santa please stop here signs for our christmas fayre” -Alex

“I liked writing french phrases with Mrs Ewing” -Daniel

“I enjoyed making the santa stop here signs” -Emma

“I liked doing spelling activities for my spelling words” -Alesha

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