P3/2 Monter hive learning

RIGHTS REPECTING In class this term we have been reviewing our rights.
Grading at Karate Adam and Alexander have worked really hard to achieve their yellow belt at their karate club. Well done boys!!!!


Using rekenreks to help with our sums.
Reviewing our learning when we participated in our nativity.
Using our imagination
Working on addition and subtraction in pairs.
Adam using the giant cards at numeracy time.
Billie using the big cards to add 3 numbers together. “I love doing my sums with the big cards.” Billie
Layla on the computer. ” I love using the computer in class, my favourite programme is Sumdog I am really good at it.” said Layla

Primary 1 and Primary 2 Christmas Party Photos

The boys and girls had a great time at their Christmas party yesterday afternoon and really enjoyed their special visitor who made it along to join them for a little while.  The big question though was ‘how did he get here?’ Luckily, lots of boys and girls heard hooves on the roof of the gym hall so we are surmising Santa and his reindeer flew in to Stoneyburn yesterday afternoon! 🙂

Busy, busy,busy!

What a hectic week Primary 7 have had, and it started before school did, on Sunday afternoon. Our choir were singing as the Christmas tree lights were turned on at the village tree as part of the Santa Parade! It was a freezing cold afternoon but our singing warmed everyone up!

On Monday evening we had a repeat performance when we sang again, this time for pensioners at their special Christmas dinner in the Community Centre. This time we sang all of our songs. All the pensioners were pleased to see us and clapped and sang along with the songs they knew.

Tuesday was the infants nativity play, some of us were helping them being the hosts,  stage hands and even sound engineers! The rest of us sang our class song “Somewhere only we know”. At the evening performance our choir sang all our pieces again (except for “Somewhere only we know”). It was an amazing evening. The wee ones were brilliant in “Lights, Camel, Action!”

We sang as a choir one more time when a cameraman came from the council to film us singing two of our songs. We chose “Unto us a child is born” and “Away in a manger”. Then we all had to shout out Christmas greetings to everyone! Our performance can be seen on the council website.

As well as all of this, we continued with our class work. Our Maths took on a Christmassy  theme, with timetables to be completed for feeding Santa’s reindeer, and problems to be solved using a grid to arrange baubles is a certain way, and working from a given budget to arrange Christmas. We managed in amongst all of the busyness to continue with our reading and do some vocabulary work.

On Wednesday we all visited the panto in the Regal Theatre in Bathgate and had a great time..Wow! What a busy week we have had!!

“I really enjoyed performing with the choir in all the places. I had a solo to sing so I was nervous but excited too!” – Erin

“It was great seeing everyone in their Christmas jumpers on Friday!” – Brad

“I got a shout out at the Panto because my Mum’s friend’s daughter was the magic mirror” – Leah

“I loved the panto, it was great, really funny with good actors, dancing and singing” – Kieran Mc

“My favourite part of the panto was the last song “I’m a Believer”, when we were all up joining in the singing and dancing!” – Katie

“I thought the wee ones nativity was brilliant, it’s the best one there’s been” – Sarah

“I really liked helping at the nativity, I was in charge of the sound!” – Brad

“I liked singing at the pensioners’ dinner. They were all smiling and enjoying our singing!” – Matthew

“Even with all the singing we had already done, I liked singing our own song in front of the parents at the nativity” – Sarah

“I really enjoyed helping the wee ones with their nativity and watching it all come together!” – Natasha

“I liked singing at the Santa parade when the tree lights were turned on, and the Chinese lanterns lit and let go!” – Robbie G

“Gym with Mr Tennant is really fun just now. Today we were learning how to do “Strip the Willow!” it was exhausting but fun!”-  Leah

P6/5 Run Up to Christmas News

Well what a quick and busy week we have had! From nativity rehearsals to the actual performances on Tuesday afternoon and evening, then off to the pantomime on Wednesday afternoon to singing practise for Monday’s Church Service and finally Christmas Jumper Day today!

Here’s what we have been up to other than all of that!

  • Charley – Brogan is Special Person this week!
  • Alfie – the P6/7 Choir were recorded on Thursday by West Lothian Council and are on You Tube singing a couple of songs.
  • Danielle – we were all at the Pantomime to see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and it was really funny!
  • Eve – we sang at the nativity performances on Tuesday afternoon and evening. It was exciting to be part of it with the whole school.
  • Charley – as a round up of our topic on Mary Queen of Scots, we watched Horrible Histories about her. It was funny and interesting to see this since we have learned all about her.
  • Brogan – we were creating our Christmas jumper designs for the school competition. There are some really good designs. It’s going to be a tough to choose a winner!
  • Hannah – we made some reindeer with Mrs Robley on Thursday afternoon.
  • Danielle – some of us were are Maths sessions with Mrs Robley as usual this week.
  • Charley – Mrs Robley was in class using Izak 9 to create some maths problems.
  • Katie – we continued on with Data Handling this week and were reading tables and line graphs.
  • Alfie – we are nearly finished Charlotte’s Web as our class novel. This will be finished off on Monday.

Here is a picture of us in our Christmas jumpers from this morning!

Have a lovely weekend!


An exciting week for Primary 4

We have had a very exciting and busy week in Primary 4.

Here are some photographs of us on Tuesday evening before and during our Christmas show.  We would like to say a big well done to Primary 2/1 and 3/2 for their amazing performance of Light’s Camel Action It’s Strictly the Nativity!





On Thursday, we wrote letters to P2/1 and P3/2 about their nativity performance and we can’t wait to share them with them next week.

We have been working hard in Maths ordering different amounts of money, adding amounts together to calculate the total, converting between pence and pounds and also solving money word problems.

Here are some photographs of us in action..



Here are some of our reflections on the week:

“I liked the tig game in gym with Mrs Howard” -Jay

“I really enjoyed going to the pantomime on Wednesday, I thought it was funny” -Aiden

“I liked when the guy from the pantomime chose me in the audience” -Jack

“I liked doing the money bingo game and finding different ways to make  amounts of money” -Alesha

“I enjoyed being part of the Christmas show and singing ‘Yeah Tomorrow’s Christmas’ -Carla

“I enjoyed solving money word problems” -Emma

“I liked going to the pantomime and getting to high five the character Danny” -Jemma

“I enjoyed writing a letter to P2/1 and P3/2 about what we thought about their nativity performance” -Daniel

“I liked learning about baptism and what this is in RME” -Alex

“I liked the money game on the computer and adding six different amounts together” -Michael

“I enjoyed handwriting today and getting to peer assess each others work” -Lara

“I liked when our class elf destroyed the Lego and made a mess” -Bethany

“I liked designing my own Christmas jumper” -Ethan

“I liked going on the bus to the pantomime” -Darryl



Newsletter – December

December Newsletter        Stoneyburn Primary School   

Nearly there!

Just one more week to go before everyone gets a well-earned break!

The last few weeks have been hectic but very successful and lots of fun.

We were particularly proud of our choir who performed at the Santa Parade, The Pensioners’ Treat and our Christmas Show.

If you would like to see more of these talented youngsters log onto the West Lothian Council website where you can listen to them perform two of their Christmas songs.

Lights, Camel, Action!

Thank you to those of you who came along and supported the children at our recent Nativity. It was absolutely FAB-U-LOUS!!

Mrs Howard

We are very lucky to have Mrs Howard join our staff to work on P.E and Team Building Skills. Mrs Howard will be with us on Mondays so we will need to re schedule our assemblies from January:

WEDNESDAY February 7th 2.15-3.00 Primary 4
WEDNESDAY March 7th 2.15-3.00 Primary6/5
WEDNESDAY April 25th 2.15-3.00 Primary 3/2
WEDNESDAY May 16th 2.15-3.00 Primary 2/1

Having Mrs Howard with us means that some classes will change the days they have P.E:

PE for  P7 Mon and Fri, P3/2 Mon and Fri and P2/1 Mon and Fri.

Please support your child’s learning every day by making sure that they have all that they need for their school day. We are really concerned at the number of children coming without a P.E kit. This is an important part of the curriculum and your children are missing out. If we work together we will ensure that they are getting the best experiences. We can’t do it without you!

Head Lice

Please check your child’s head regularly. Head lice is easy to treat but it is also easy to spread. Being alert can save discomfort.

Happy Holidays

School closes on Friday 22nd December at 12.20 and re-opens for pupils on Tuesday 9th January at 8.45.

We would like to wish you all a safe and merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year from all of the staff at Stoneyburn.

JoJo Gnome Workshop – P2/1

The boys and girls in P2/1 were treated to very special visitors this afternoon for a fun, interactive workshop: author and illustrator, Jo Hall and JoJo Gnome!

The children were taken on an adventure around Sound Town where they met all the different characters who lived in the houses and discovered the sounds and dances they did.

They then heard the story ‘JoJo Gnome and the Cake Contest’ and listened very well to Jo reading and answered all her questions.

Then there was a smell challenge!  They had to guess the smells of 4 different cupcakes.  They turned out to be lemon, mint, caramel and orange.

During the week, the boys and girls had worked hard to design cupcake pictures and these were then used to create an animation with Jo.  She will edit these and forward them to us.

JoJoGnome can be found on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Busy! Busy! Busy!

It really has been hectic these past couple of weeks, so much to do already and so little time to do it! As well as our Christmas enterprise stuff, we have been continuing with our ordinary everyday things like, Maths, Reading, Writing, Music and gym!

Our business and craft skills were put to full use when we were designing and creating the items that we were going to sell at our stall at the Christmas Fayre.

In Maths we continued to work with equations, but we also began to work with money leading up to our selling.  We had to work to a budget for different reasons. The best one was designing the Brown Family’s Christmas, as well as the presents to buy , we had to budget for their christmas dinner!

We also tried something completely new and  had ‘fun’ working with the Japanese Line method for multiplication!!

In our creative writing, we used a short film for inspiration in writing a thrilling story with a cliff hanger ending. This week we moved onto lighter themes and began writing a Christmas story for P1!

It has really been busy and we think its just going to get busier with rehearsals for Nativity, choir performances,  Christmas church service and of course end of term parties! It really is beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!  Here are our thoughts from the last two weeks (no internet last week!)

“I like moving onto the next step of our equations – they are challenging, but fun”- Kieran McG

“I really enjoy singing with the choir we are getting more and more confident! I am  looking forward to performing at the Santa Parade and at the pensioners dinner” – Erin

“I thought using the short film for inspiration for our writing was brilliant!”- Sarah

“I enjoyed making the snowmen for our Christmas fayre” – Leon

“The angels made out of lollipop sticks were fun to make, and they looked good when they were finished”- Madyson

“Making the snowmen was fun. When we had finished them, they looked nothing like how they started out and you wouldn’t be able to guess what they started from!” – Kuba

“It is really great doing the Nativity with the younger ones, it is good to see it all coming together!” – Katie

“I liked writing the thriller last week, but this week we were writing a Christmas story for P1 and I enjoyed that even more! I’m looking forward to reading my story to them!” – Natasha

“I enjoyed meeting our new gym teacher Mrs Howard on Monday. We will be working with her on a Monday now instead of Mrs Warden on a Wednesday” – Kuba

“When we sang our song to the school at the Nativity rehearsal, everyone got emotional. I’m glad they like our singing” – Shayne

“Selling our snowmen at the fayre was fun, it was good to work behind the counter” – Erin

“We got to watch the movie Percy Jackson and the lightning thief because we have been reading that as our class novel. I liked it” – Robbie G

“The Percy Jackson film was good, I enjoyed watching it, but the film is very different from the book!” – Sarah

“Taking part in the netball tournament was fun. I think I defended well!” – Leon

“I got a shout out on the school blog for being a good goal shooter at the netball tournament” – Leah

” We had fun trying the Japanese line method for multiplying! It looked easy but it was a bit tricky, but we managed it” – Kieran McG


P6/5 Weekly News

This week has been a super quick week! We have a feeling the next 2 weeks will be the same with everything that is going on during the Festive season!

We’d like to say a big thank you to those of you who stopped by our stall on Tuesday evening at the Christmas Fayre. We now have to decide what we should buy with the money we made to help us with our learning in class!

Here are some updates from the class.

  • Eve – some of the girls from our class went to the netball tournament with our cluster schools on Wednesday afternoon and we came 5th. We scored in all games so we were happy to with that.
  • Brogan – we had a full school nativity rehearsal on Thursday. This was the first time we all got to see what everyone is doing. It was really good!
  • Leah – following on from Brogan’s comment, we were on the stage for the first time so we had a few more rehearsals with just our class to get our performance perfected!
  • Charley – we finished off making our Pine Cone Elves and lollipop Christmas Tree Decorations for the the Fayre on Monday and Tuesday and set up our stall. We did really well and sold most of those.
  • Charley – in maths we continued with data handling and were drawing bar graphs. We used the classes Christmas Crafts to make bar graphs and have them up on our wall.
  • Eve – we created crowns for our Nativity performance.
  • Hannah – we have Blurb the Bear in our class this week. We have started having a full school reading session as a Smart Start and Blurb will get the chance to visit all classes and be involved in reading activities. This week’s book was Alien Tea on Planet Zum-Zee.
  • Charley – we completed our writing assessments on Tuesday – we wrote reports on the top 10 toys for Christmas 2017.
  • Cory – we painted a couple of the characters for the Nativity.
  • Brogan – we did some Go Noodle on Wednesday in the classroom
  • All – we are very happy with our Wet Toys Box the PTA gave us for the classroom. We got the chance to use these on Thursday when Storm Caroline was here. Thank you very much to the PTA!

Here is a picture of Blurb the Bear reading our class novel, we hope to finish this before the holidays. Blurb with us until next Wednesday’s reading session. The other pictures are of ther bar graphs we created relating to the Christmas crafts the classes made for Tuesday night’s Fayre.

Have a lovely weekend!


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